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1. What is the number? I.  The sum of the two digits is 8. The ratio of the two digits is 1 : 3.  II.  The product of the two digit of a number is 12. The quotient of two digits is 3.

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  • By: guest on 01 Jun 2017 05.48 pm
    Let the tens and units digit be x and y respectively. Then,  I. x + y = 8 and x = 1 y 3 I gives, 4y = 24       y = 6. So, x + 6 = 8       x = 2.
    II. xy = 12 and x = 3 y 1 II gives, x2 = 36       x = 6. So, 3y = 6       y = 2.
    Therefore, Either I or II alone sufficient to answer.
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