1. Calculate i(t) for t ≥ 0, assuming the switch has been in position A for a long time at t = 0, the switch is moved to position B.

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  • By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.06 am
    When switch is in A position, C will be open, t < 0, i(0-) = = 1.11 mA, VC(0-) = 3 k x 3.33 volt at t > 0 i(0+) = 1.11 mA, i(t) = A + B e-at where 5 x 103 at t = 0, A + B = 1.11 t = ∞, A = 0 i(t) = 1.11 e-5 x 103(t) .
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