1. Statement: Should India go in for computerization in all possible sectors? Arguments: Yes. It will bring efficiency and accuracy in the work. No. It will be an injustice to the monumental human resources which are at present underutilized. No. Computerization demands a lot of money. We should not waste money on it.Yes. When advanced countries are introducing computers in every field, how can India afford to lag behind?
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By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.29 am
Clearly, the need of today is to put to better use the underutilized human resources. Computers with better and speedy efficiency can accomplish this. So, argument I holds, while II does not. Computerization is a much beneficial project and investment in it is not at all a waste. So, III is not strong. Further, development in a new field is not a matter of merely following up other countries. So, IV also does not hold strong.