1. Why does the data communication industry use the layered OSI reference model? It divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components, thus aiding component development, design, and troubleshooting. It enables equipment from different vendors to use the same electronic components, thus saving research and development funds. It supports the evolution of multiple competing standards and thus provides business opportunities for equipment manufacturers. It encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model.

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  • By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.56 am
    The main advantage of a layered model is that it can allow application developers to change aspects of a program in just one layer of the layer model's specifications. Advantages of using the OSI layered model include, but are not limited to, the following: It divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components, thus aiding compo- nent development, design, and troubleshooting; it allows multiple-vendor development through standardization of network components; it encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model; it allows various types of network hardware and software to communicate; and it prevents changes in one layer from affecting other layers, so it does not hamper development.
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