1. ജീവകം കെ.യുടെ രാസനാമം എന്ത്? [Jeevakam ke. Yude raasanaamam enthu? ]

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  • By: guest on 06 Jan 2018 12.12 am
    Filloquinon is the write answer
  • By: guest on 22 Jan 2018 02.45 pm
    Vitamin k is not rettinol

  • By: guest on 14 Dec 2017 11.34 pm
    Chemical name of vitamin k is filloquinonRettinol is the chemical name of vitamin A
  • By: Shafeek on 24 Nov 2017 06.21 pm
    Answer is wrong retinolis the chemical name of vitamin A.
  • By: Ajesh on 14 Nov 2017 05.18 pm
    Vit A is known as Retinol
  • By: guest on 07 Nov 2017 05.27 pm
    Vitamin A is retinol
    Vitamin K is philloquinon
  • By: guest on 03 Nov 2017 01.36 pm
    Vitamin A is retinol
    Vitamin K is philloquinon
  • By: guest on 03 Nov 2017 10.00 am
    chemical name of vitamin K is phillo quinon but in this mack test answer of the question rettinol which is the name of vitamin A
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