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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1196

59801. The function shown in figure, can represent a probability density function for A __________

59802. If the transfer function of the following network is The value of the load resistance RL is

59803. A bipolar differential amplifier uses a transistor having β0 = 200, ICQ = 100 mA, |Adm| = 500 and CMRR = 80 dB. The value of Rc and RE will be respectively __________ .

59804. Which of the following regions did not form the part of Ashoka’s empire?

59805. A 300 MHz plane EM wave is propagating in free space. The wave is incident normally on an infinite copper slap. The antenuation constant for the wave is (σcopper = 5.8 x 107 mho/ m). The skin depth is

59806. Following figure represents

59807. For parallel RLC circuit, which one of the following statements is NOT correct?

59808. The practical resonant circuit is shown in above figure. Find the expression for the resonant frequency ωo

59809. A ramp input applied to a unity feedback system results in 5% steady state error. The type number and zero frequency gain of the system are respectively.

59810. Fill up the blanks using suitable choice: He preferred cricket ......... any other sport.?

59811. The equation sin (z) = 10 has

59812. Given If , then the value of K is

59813. Consider the Schmitt trigger circuit shown below. A triangular wave which goes from - 12 V to 12 V is applied to the inverting input of the op-amp. Assume that the output of the op-amp moves from +15 V to -15 V. The voltage at the non-inverting switches between

59814. i1(t) for t > 0 is given by

59815. Find I in 4 Ω resistor.

59816. Which of the following Boolean Expression correctly represents the relation between P, Q, R and M1?

59817. A sequential multiplexer is connected as shown in figure. Each time the multiplexer receives the clock, it switches to the next channel from 6 to 1. If the input signals are : A = 10 cos 2p (4 x 103t) B = 15 cos 2p (5 x 103t) C = 20 cos 2p (6 x 103t) D = 10 cos 2p (10 x 103t) The minimum clock frequency should be __________ kHz.

59818. The Boolean function realized by the logic circuit shown is

59819. Find RAB

59820. For the network shown below, determine fHi and fHO, if, r0 = ∞, Cbe = 36 Pf, Cbc = 4 Pf, Cce = 1 Pf, Cwo = 8 Pf, Cwi = 6 Pf where Cwo = wiring capacitance at output side, Cwi = wiring capacitance at input side

59821. Complex pole in z-plane is as shown below. This is the pole diagram for __________ .

59822. Four messages band limited to W, W, 2W and 3W respectively are to be multiplex using Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). The minimum bandwidth required for transmission of this TDM signal is

59823. Which of the following terms are equivalent? A ⊕ B ⊕ CA ⊕ B ⊙ C A ⊙ B ⊕ CA ⊙ B ⊙ C

59824. If 137 + 276 = 435 how much is 731 + 672?

59825. An astable multivibrator circuit using IC 555 timer is shown below. Assume that the circuit is oscillating steadily The voltage Vc across capacitor varies between

59826. Bronchitis is a disease of which of the following organs?

59827. The number of product terms in the minimized sum of product expression obtained through the following k map is (where "d" denotes don't care states)

59828. If A = then |A50| will be

59829. A uniform plane magnetic wave incident normally on a plane surface of a dielectric material is reflected and the percentage of reflected power is 75% What is VSWR?

59830. Silicon is doped with boron to a concentration of 4 x 1017 atoms/cm3. Assuming the intrinsic carrier concentration of silicon to be 1.5 x 1010/cm3 and the value of to be 25mV at 300K. Compared to undoped silicon, the Fermi level of doped silicon

59831. The Fourier series of a real periodic function has only Cosine terms if it is evenSine terms if it is evenCosine terms if it is oddSine terms if it is odd Which of the above statements are correct?

59832. A communication channel with AWGN operating at a signal to noise ratio SNR >> 1 and bandwidth B has capacity C1. If the SNR is doubled keeping B constant, the resulting capacity C2 is given by

59833. Power gain of antenna equals directive gain in VHF and UHF range if and only if efficiency of the antenna is __________ .

59834. Post World War I teritorial changes?

59835. A square in which each (i, j)th element of matrix is equal to the negative of the conjugate complex of (j, i)th element, is called

59836. Mid-band gain =

59837. The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is given by s3 + 5s2 + (K + 6)s + K = 0 where K > 0 is a scalar variable parameter. In the root-loci diagram of the system the asymptotes of the root-locus for large values of K meet at a point in the s-plane, whose coordinates are :

59838. The input 3-dB frequency is :

59839. Consider a stable and causal system with impulse response h[n] and rational system function H(z). Suppose it is known that H(z) contains a pole at z = 1/2 and a zero some where on the unit circle. The precise number and locations of all of the other poles is unknown. The following statement which is false is __________ .

59840. When transient and steady state response require improvement; a __________ is used.

59841. For the collector-feedback amplifier shown below the voltage gain Av will be __________ .

59842. Narrow band FM signal can be represented as

59843. Sensitivity of bubble tube can be increased by

59844. In the following transistor circuit VBE = 0. 7 V, rc = 25mV/IE, and β and the capacitance are very large The value of DC current IE is

59845. A certain JK FF has tpd = 12 nsec. The largest MOD counter that can be constructed from these FFs and still operate up to 10 MHz is

59846. A second-order system has a transfer function is given by . If the system, initially at rest is subjected to a unit step input at t = 0, the second peak in response will occur at :

59847. Value of ZL for maximum power transfer is

59848. A periodic voltage has following values for equal time intervals changing suddenly from one value to next : 0, 5, 10, 20, 50, 60, 50, 20, 10, 5, 0, - 5, - 10 etc. RMS value of the waveform is :

59849. The magnitude plot of a rational transfer function G(s) with real coefficients is shown below. Which of the following compensators has such a magnitude plot?

59850. The circuit shown in the figure converts

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