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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1238

61901. In which of the following instruments is the deflecting torque proportional to where L is inductance of coil and Q is deflection

61902. In a low power factor wattmeter, the resistance of pressure coil is more than in ordinary wattmeter.

61903. The moving iron instruments are generally repulsion type.

61904. It is required to measure pressure using LVDT. The additional device needed is

61905. Which of the following quantities have same dimension in emu and esu? CurrentElectrical powerElectrical energy Select the answer as per following codes

61906. In a dynamometer instrument, the moving coil is pressure coil.

61907. Load cell uses

61908. Assertion (A): A dc potentiometer measures the true open circuit emf of a source.Reason (R): At balance point, a dc potentiometer does not draw any current from the source.

61909. To measure an emf by dc potentiometer it is necessary to standardise the potentiometer with the help of a standard cell.

61910. Which of the following transformers has low primary current?

61911. The phenomenon of creep occurs in

61912. A D' Arsonval galvanometer is a

61913. Schering bridge is used to measure

61914. In a CRO the Y plates are oriented

61915. The accuracy of an instrument is determined by

61916. If σ standard deviation, probable error

61917. Assertion (A): In two wattmeter method of 3 phase power measurement, one of the wattmeters would read negative if power factor of load is less than 0.5.Reason (R): In two wattmeter method of 3 phase power measurement, both the wattmeters would show equal readings if power factor of load is unity.

61918. In a megger the moving coil meter has a permanent magnet.

61919. A direct current can be measured

61920. Consider the following galvanometers D'ArsonvalBallisticVibration Which of these are permanent magnet moving coil instruments?

61921. Assertion (A): Hall effect is observed in all metals but is very appreciable in semiconductors.Reason (R): Hall effect transducer is very suitable for measurement of magnetic flux density.

61922. Assertion (A): The trigger circuit of a CRO is excited by the same signal as Y plates.Reason (R): The time base generator develops a saw tooth voltage.

61923. A data signal having frequency components from dc to 50 Hz is to be sent through pulse code modulation using an 8 digit code. The minimum carrier channel bandwidth is

61924. If Eb is the potential of accelerating anode, the energy of electrons as they emerge from electron gun is proportional to

61925. A moving iron instrument has

61926. The temperature coefficient of resistance for a thermistor is

61927. To measure an unknown ac voltage by an ac potentiometer it is desirable that supply for the potentiometer is taken

61928. A linear displacement digital transducer generally uses

61929. Two wattmeter method for 3 phase power measurement can be used only for

61930. A coil resonates at 1 MHz with a resonating capacitance of 72 pF. At 500 pF, resonance is obtained with a resonating capacitor of 360 pF. The self capacitance of coil is

61931. A peak responding ac voltmeter using a half wave rectifier has been calibrated to read 1 V for 1 V rms sine wave input. If input is 1 V dc the reading will be

61932. For measuring inductance with high Q, we should use

61933. A resistance strain gauge has a resistance of about

61934. Assertion (A): The speed of a shaft can be measured by using a dc tacho generator.Reason (R): A two phase servometer can also be used as a speed transducer.

61935. The circuit of figure is used to measure the value Rx. Ammeter resistance Ra = 0.1 Ω voltmeter resistance Rv = 5000 Ω. It Rx1 and Rx2, are the measured values of Rx with switch in position 1 and 2, the mean of Rx1, and Rx2, is

61936. A Weston frequency meter is

61937. The 10 MHz in the specification of CRO means that

61938. Rayleigh current balance is an absolute instrument.

61939. An oscilloscope has an input impedance consisting of 1 MΩ and 20 pF is parallel. A high impedance probe connected to input of this oscilloscope has a 10 MΩ series resistance. This 10 MΩ series resistance

61940. Which of the following is used as detector in audio frequency ac bridges?

61941. Assertion (A): The gall tinsley potentiometer is a coordinate potentiometer and has two exactly similar potentiometers.Reason (R): An ac potentiometer may measure the unknown voltage in polar form or rectangular coordinate form.

61942. If d1, d2, ..., dn are n individual deviations, the standard deviation is

61943. DC voltage of the order of a few mV can be accurately of measured by

61944. If the load current is high, the pressure coil of wattmeter should be connected directly across the load.

61945. In measurements using CRO, Lissajous patterns are used to

61946. A dynamometer wattmeter is suitable for both dc and ac.

61947. If Ey is the voltage applied to Y plates, the vertical deflection of beam is proportional to

61948. The method of frequency compensation in moving iron voltmeter is

61949. Assertion (A): A photovoltaic cell is greatly affected by temperature.Reason (R): Both germanium and silicon can be used for photovoltaic cells.

61950. Wagner earthing device eliminates

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