64101. When analysing two port networks in parallel it is more convenient to use
64102. In ZRC (s) = 0 at s = ∞, the last element in first Cauer form is
64103. The function H (s) is positive real if
64104. In most electric irons, the thermister used for controlling temperature is
64105. In a series RLC high Q circuit the current peaks at a frequency.
64106. Assertion (A): A complicated waveform can be replaced by sum or difference of two or more waveforms.Reason (R): The method of superposition is applicable only to linear systems.
64107. The phase velocity v in a transmission line is
64108. A circuit is fed by two sources of different frequency and magnitudes 100 ∠0° V and 50 ∠30°V. The current in a particular branch is 10 ∠20° A. If the magnitudes of the sources are changed to 200 ∠0° V and 100 ∠0° V, the current in that branch should be
64109. In gases the flow of current is due to
64110. A two port network is said to be reciprocal if
64111. For the current wave i = 10 + 10 sin θ, the rms value is
64112. The original teachings of Mahavira are contained in which of the following texts?
64113. The impedance parameter z21 is
64114. Measurement of an unknown voltage with a dc potentiometer loses its advantage of open circuit measurement when
64115. A parallel resonant circuit can be used
64116. Which of the following theorems enables a number of voltage (or current) sources to be combined directly into a single voltage (or current) source?
64117. If Ia, Ib, Ic are line currents and Ia1 is the positive sequences component of Ia then
64118. If the numerator of Z(s) is one degree higher than denominator, Z(s) has a pole at infinity.
64119. An m derived low pass filter has fc = 1000 Hz, f∞ = 1250 Hz and m = 0.6. If m is increased, then
64120. In the two ports network shown in the figure, Z12 and Z21 are, respectively
64121. In figure, I = 2A, then V =
64122. The design of wave filter is based on characteristic impedance which is
64123. A system is said to be marginal stable if
64124. Assertion (A): In state space analysis, capacitors are taken to be in tree.Reason (R): State variable analysis is very suitable for computer solution.
64125. In the circuit shown in the given figure, V0 is given by
64126. The factor which will have least effect on the voltage at the load end of a two-wire supply circuit is
64127. If a two port network is represented by an equivalent T network, the impedance of shunt arm in terms of ABCD parameters is equal to
64128. The value of current read by ideal ammeter A in figure is __________ ampere.
64129. In ZRC (s) = constant at s = 0, the last element in first Foster cauer realization is
64130. For a full rectified sine wave, the form factor and peak factor respectively are
64131. For an RC admittance function Y,
64132. When ac current is zero, no electrons are in motion.
64133. The relation between the apparent power, actual power and reactive power is given by
64134. Quality factor will be
64135. In the circuit shown in the given figure, switch k is closed at t = 0. The circuit was initially relaxed then which one of the following sources of v(t) will produce maximum current at t = 0+?
64136. Pick the correct statement
64137. The inverse Fourier transform of is
64138. The colour on the extreme left in general purpose fixed resistors represents
64139. When a current flows through a conductor,
64140. In the analogy between electric and magnetic circuits permeability is analogous to
64141. Two port circuits are connected in parallel. To determine the response, it is more convenient to use
64142. The dual of a link is
64143. A network is said to be two port network if there is no independent source in the networkno dependent source in the networknon-linear component in the circuitno external connection exist between I/P and 0/P
64144. In a network
64145. For a series circuit of R and variable XL the admittance locus is
64146. A series RLC circuit is supplied from a variable frequency source. The resonant frequency is ω0. The voltage across L is maximum at a frequency
64147. Current in a 2H inductance in 10e-t A. Admittance of the inductor is
64148. A constant k low pass filter has fc = 1000 Hz. At f = 500 Hz, the phase shift is
64149. At resonance the network function magnitude will be