74151. A beam supported at its both ends is not a simply supported beam.
74152. The stress at which the extension of the material takes place more quickly as compared to the increase in load, is called
74153. The strain energy stored in a solid circular shaft subjected to shear stress (τ) is (where C = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material)
74154. When two main plates are kept in alignment butting each other and riveted with cover plate on both sides of the main plates with two rows of rivets in each main plate, the joint is known as __________ double cover butt joint.
74155. Whenever a material is loaded within elastic limit, stress is __________ strain.
74156. A load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that it varies uniformly over the whole length of abeam is called uniformly __________ load.
74157. Rewrite as directed:I took it home with me”, she said. (Change into indirect speech)?
74158. Compression members always tend to buckle in the direction of the
74159. The maximum tangential stress in a thick cylindrical shell is always __________ the internal pressure acting on the shell.
74160. A thin spherical shell of diameter (d) and thickness (t) is subjected to an internal pressure (p). The stress in the shell material is
74161. Rivets are generally specified by
74162. Principle plane is a plane on which the shear stress is
74163. The bending moment in the centre of a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length is
74164. When a thin cylindrical shell is subjected to an internal pressure, there will be
74165. A welded joint as compared to a riveted joint has __________ strength.
74166. The shear force at apoint on a beam is the algebraic __________ of all the forces on either side of the point.
74167. The point of contraflexure occurs in
74168. For a 25 mm hole drilled in plates, the diameter of rivet shank should be
74169. A beam of uniform strength has
74170. The shear force of a simply supported beam carrying a central point load changes sign at its midpoint.
74171. In a simple bending theory, one of the assumption is that the material of the beam is isotropic. This assumption means that the
74172. That book abounds ......... mistakes .?
74173. The extremeties of any diameter on Mohr's circle represent
74174. Amino acids are the building blocks of?
74175. Two shafts 'A' and 'B' are made of same material. The shaft 'A' is solid and has diameter D. The shaft 'B' is hollow with outer diameter D and inner diameter D/2. The strength of hollow shaft in torsion is __________ as that of solid shaft.
74176. The bending moment of a cantilever beam of length l and carrying a gradually varying load from zero at free end and w per unit length at the fixed end is __________ at the fixed end.
74177. In the below figure, the stress corresponding to point D is
74178. The Poisson's ratio for cast iron varies from
74179. The Rankine's theory for active earth pressure is based on the assumption that
74180. The strain energy stored in a spring, when subjected to maximum load, without suffering permanent distortion, is known as
74181. An overhanging beam must overhang on both sides.
74182. The resultant stress on an inclined plane which is inclined at an angle θ to the normal cross-section of a body which is subjected to a direct tensile stress (σ) in one plane, is
74183. The ratio of change in volume to the original volume is called
74184. In a beam where shear force changes sign, the bending moment will be
74185. The maximum shear stress of a beam of triangular section occurs above the neutral axis,
74186. For the beam shown in the below figure, the shear force at A is equal to
74187. The ductility of a material __________ with the increase in percentage reduction in area of a specimen under tensile test.
74188. The rivets are made from ductile material.
74189. The rectangular beam 'A' has length l, width b and depth d. Another beam 'B' has the same length and width but depth is double that of 'A'. The elastic strength of beam B will be __________ as compared to beam A.
74190. When a closely-coiled helical spring is subjected to an axial load, it is said to be under
74191. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the zero stress is developed on the neutral axis.
74192. The given figure shows the Mohr's circle of stress for two unequal and like principal stresses (σx and σy) acting at a body across two mutually perpendicular planes. The normal stress on an oblique section making an angle θ with the minor principle plane is given by
74193. According to Euler's column theory, the crippling load for a column of length (l) with one end fixed and the other end free is __________ the crippling load for a similar column hinged at both the ends.
74194. If percentage reduction in area of a certain specimen made of material 'A' under tensile test is 60% and the percentage reduction in area of a specimen with same dimensions made of material 'B' is 40%, then
74195. The shear force diagram for a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length, consists of
74196. A body is subjected to two normal stresses 20 kN/m2 (tensile) and 10 kN/m2 (compressive) acting perpendicular to each other. The maximum shear stress is
74197. When a cantilever beam is loaded at its free end, the maximum compressive stress shall develop at
74198. In a cantilever beam of length l subjected to a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length, the maximum deflection lies at the fixed end.
74199. A lap joint is always in __________ shear.
74200. The elongation of a conical bar under its own weight is __________ that of prismatic bar of the same length.