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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1559

77951. The first ‘Mixed’Heritage site from India in the list of World Heritage Sites of UNESCO:

77952. Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year 2016?

77953. Revolt of 1857 began at Meerut near Delhi on:

77954. The Act which empowered the British Government to arrest and imprison any person without trial?

77955. Who founded the ‘Servants of India Society’in 1905?

77956. Who said ‘Give me blood,in turn I will give you freedom’?

77957. Which is the most populous city in India as per 2011 census?

77958. In which year the single Self Employment Programme Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana(SGSY)launched?

77959. The 12th Five Year Plan growth rate target is:

77960. Karewas deposits are famous for the cultivation of:

77961. Sharavathi River is originated from---------District

77962. What is the number of straight lines and the number of triangles in the given figure.

77963. Western Coastal Plain of India is an example for:

77964. What is the number of triangles that can be formed whose vertices are the vertices of an octagon but have only one side common with that of octagon?

77965. Which one of the National Waterways is in Kerala?

77966. World’s richest monosite deposits occur in the district of:

77967. The founder of Samatva Samajam:

77968. Which among the following book was written by Chattampi Swamikal?

77969. Count the number of squares in the given figure.

77970. Find the number of quadrilaterals in the given figure.

77971. Who started Swadeshabhimani Newspaper?

77972. What is the minimum number of colours required to fill the spaces in the given diagram without any two adjacent spaces having the same colour?

77973. Count the number of triangles and squares in the given figure.

77974. What is the effect of single phasing in 3 induction motor while running?

77975. What is the minimum number of different colours required to paint he given figure such that no two adjacent regions have the same colour?

77976. What is the maximum safe temperature of class E insulation?

77977. Count the number of parallelogram in the given figure.

77978. In the adjoining figure, if the centres of all the circles are joined by horizontal and vertical lines, then find the number of squares that can be formed.

77979. Which type of Insulation tape is not suitable for insulation purpose?

77980. Which of the following motor does not have a winding or commutator or brush is?

77981. How many triangles and parallelograms are there in the following figure?

77982. Which colour is recommended for earth connection?

77983. Which one is the proper location for mounting main switch gear in a building?

77984. Count the number of convex pentagons in the adjoining figure.

77985. Count the number of rectangles in the given figure.

77986. What is the unit of work done in SI units?

77987. The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is”

77988. An alternating current or voltage is that which:

77989. Primary winding of a transformer:

77990. What is the minimum number of straight lines that is needed to construct the figure?

77991. How many rectangles are there in the given figure.

77992. Determine the number of rectangles and hexagons in the given figure.

77993. Megger is used to measure:

77994. Moving iron type instruments are used on

77995. Normally the moving iron instruments are provided with:

77996. How many circles are there in the adjoining figure.

77997. The gas inside the inner discharge tube of a sodium vapour lamp is:

77998. Alternators are usually designed to generate:

77999. When the speed of the alternator increases the frequency”

78000. In AC circuit the ratio of KW/KVA represents

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