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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1852
92601. What do you mean by 'pass over' the case?
92602. Which country in the world first appointed a woman judge?
92603. Who drafted Indian Penal Code?
92604. What is the nature of a Hindu Marriage today?
92605. Who wrote 'The Rights of Man'?
92606. Anticipatory Bail petition can be moved before the?
92607. What is the position of the Jury system in India?
92608. What is a mortgage?
92609. What do you mean by Kidnapping?
92610. The famous Section 144comes under?
92611. How long can a suspect be kept in the police station?
92612. Murder is punishable with?
92613. What do you mean by Cognizable Offence?
92614. When can the Divorce Petition be filed?
92615. Lawyer's work is a?
92616. What is genocide?
92617. When should a document be registered?
92618. What is the age limit of the Supreme Court Judge for retirement?
92619. The 'Legal Education' is controlled by?
92620. Which one of the following is essential to become a supreme court judge?
92621. The administrative functions of a High Court are in the hands of?
92622. Who is a Mutawalli?
92623. Who is the first women Chief Justice (of High Court)?
92624. What is sedition?
92625. What do you mean by 'Preventive Detention'?
92626. Which was the last case in India to be heard under the jury system?
92627. What is muta-marriage?
92628. What is 'Rule of Law'?
92629. What do you mean by 'sub judice'?
92630. Can the Court amend an Act?
92631. Today 'Abortion Law' is?
92632. What do you mean by Prize Court?
92633. Is 'Suyamariyadhai' Marriage valid?
92634. Can a 'Bankrupt' stand for election?
92635. What is the object of urban land ceiling act?
92636. What is 'Exparte Order'?
92637. What is the Supreme Law of India?
92638. Which Union territory has its own High Court?
92639. Which country in the world prevents a person to change his religion?
92640. Can a civil lawyer practise as a criminal lawyer?
92641. What is the object of Land Acquisition Act?
92642. When was the 'Nuremburg Trial' conducted?
92643. How many High Courts are in India?
92644. What is the purpose of a Commission of Enquiry?
92645. Afire insurance contract is?
92646. Name the first woman Supreme Court Judge?
92647. When was the Life Insurance Act passed?
92648. 'Advisory Jurisdiction is exercised by?
92649. What is the important right of an accused in a trial?
92650. Who is a Pawn Broker?
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