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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1856
92801. Who was known as the 'Father of Lok Sabha'?
92802. The longest river in Kerala is?
92803. Who was the first Indian to swim across the English Channel?
92804. Who wrote letters to his son?
92805. Who was Paul Muni?
92806. Who was popularly known as 'Ike'?
92807. Who wanted to build a temple for Bharatha Matha?
92808. Name the person popularly known as Gurudev?
92809. Who was Golda Meir?
92810. Who is Balzac?
92811. Who was the first person to cross the Alps with army?
92812. Who out of the following is associated with Pondicherry?
92813. Who was Simon Bolivar?
92814. Yehudi Menuhin, was a famous?
92815. Who was Charu Majumdhar?
92816. Maria Montessori's name is associated with?
92817. Who is called as 'Chacha' in India?
92818. Who was Jamini Roy?
92819. Who was Dr. Salim Ali?
92820. Who was called Modern Pharaoh?
92821. Who was called Wizard of North?
92822. Who is Dr. Kasturirangan?
92823. In which field did Epstein distinguish himself?
92824. Sarkaria is?
92825. Who is Miss Arati Saha?
92826. Marshal Tito was?
92827. John Maynard Keynes was a/an?
92828. Who was Sun-Vat-Sen?
92829. Who was Woodrow Wilson?
92830. Who was Robert Peflry?
92831. Who was Sir George William?
92832. "Man of Peace" is associated with?
92833. Who was Frank Sinatra?
92834. Who is Edward White?
92835. The first woman film star nominated or elected to the Rajya Sabha was?
92836. Who pioneered the modem nursing system?
92837. Dhanvantari's name is associated with?
92838. Who was Gerhard Domagk?
92839. Who founded Hindu Maha Sabha?
92840. Mother Teresa was born in?
92841. Who founded the Theosophical Society in India?
92842. Who was Aristophanes?
92843. Who was Robespierre?
92844. Who was styled as the Grand old man of Britain?
92845. Who was Thomas Gregory?
92846. Who was called Great Commoner?
92847. Who was known as the Lady of the Lamp?
92848. Who was known as Fuhrer?
92849. Who was Kurt Waldheim?
92850. Who was known as the Apostle of Free Trade?
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