108451. Personal structural analysis was devised by
108452. Match the following A B a) Positive regard 1. Positive reward given when the person does what providers wish b) Unconditional positive regard 2. Warmth, and respect that come from others c) Conditional positive regard 3. Person who has maximized his potential d) Fully functioning person 4. Positive regard given without strings attached
108453. Aversive stimulus which when occurring after an operant response, decreases the future likelihood of that response
108454. Match the following : A B a) Cattell 1. Big 5 personality b) Mccrae and Costa 2. Reciprocal determinism c) Bandura 3. 16 personality factor d) Roger 4. Fully functioning person
108455. Negative transference means
108456. Come what may, I will stick with you ......... thick and thin.?
108457. Psychotherapists must perform three tasks
108458. Anything a person or animal does that can be observed is called
108459. In ............ Design the subjects serve as their own controls.
108460. Relationship between two variables is measured using
108461. The point at which all three (solid, liquid and gas) phases co-exist is known as
108462. A polytropic process is described by
108463. Select the one that is incorrectly matched :
108464. Ali bought a plate and a glass for Rs.110/-from the market.If the plate costs Rs.100/-more than the glass.How much does the plate cost?
108465. Consider the following statements : Health promotion is any activity that protects or improves health status The objective is to prolong life and improve quality of life Health promotion reduces the effects of impaired physical/mental health in affected individuals Health promotion includes environmental and behavioural interventions. Of the statements:
108466. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Screening is a procedure whereby those sections of the population who are at risk of developing a desease are examined to see whther they have any early indications of the disease. Reason (R) : The rationale behind this strategy is that the earlier disease is identified and treated the less likely it is to develop into its full blown form. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108467. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below : List I List II a) Projective techniques 1. Consumer needs b) Personal consumer 2. Process stage c) Decision making 3. Ultimate consumer d) Social responsibility 4. Organizational effectiveness. Codes :
108468. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes givenbelow : List I List II a) Market segmentation 1. Promotion b) Probability sample 2. Heuristics c) Marketing mix 3. Stratified d) Consumer decision 4. Positioning Codes :
108469. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Consumer decision rules are procedures used by consumers to facilitate brand choices. Reason (R) : Consumer decision rules enhance the burden of making complex decisions by providing guidelines that make the process more taxing. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108470. Consider the following statements : Non-probability sample includes convenience sample Non-probability sample includes judgment sample Non-probability sample includes quota sample Non-probability sample includes cluster sample. Of the statements :
108471. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Market segmentation is now widely used by manufacturers, retailers and the non-profit sector. Reason (R) : Segmentation strategies benefit both marketers and consumers. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108472. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below List I List II a) Social action theory 1. Ajzen and fishbein b) Conflict theory 2. Perceived susceplibility c) Theory of reasoned action 3. Action states d) Health belief model 4. Hypervigilance and vigilance.
108473. The tendency of people to see their worlds as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful is termed as
108474. Which of the following is incorrectly matched
108475. Select the one that is correctly matched :
108476. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : RET is less effective with individuals having character disorders psychotics. Reason (R) : RET is not effective with younger and brighter clients. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108477. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Ex-post facto research is systematic, empirical inquiry in which the scientist does not have direct control of independent variables, because their manifestations have already occurred or they are not manipulable. Reason (R) : In ex-post-facto research. inferences about relations among variables are made. without direct intervention. from concomitant variation of independent and dependent variables. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108478. Consider the following statements : Usage of parametric tests include Population must be of normal distribution Variables must have been measured in interval or ratio scale Observation must be independent The population must have some variance. Of the statements :
108479. Consider the following statements : According to the Big Five Personality model individuals high in neuroticism feel tense/anxious, moody feel emotionally reactive, self-conscious are calm feel secure. Of the statements :
108480. Which type of psychologist uses knowledge of biology, learning, motivation and personality
108481. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below : List I List II a) Dreams are the royal road to unconscious 1. Enacting behavioural problems b) Experimental evidence on desensitization 2. Ellis c) Behavioural rehearsal 3. Freud d) Cognitive labelling 4. Eysenck Codes :
108482. Gradual method of removing fearful association is called
108483. Consider the following statements : When setting rules for classroom behaviour, the teacher needs to state rules and expectations clearly be willing to enforce the rules consistently make exceptions and give privileges to some students handle discipline problems the same way as his prodecessor. Of the statements :
108484. A complete enumeration of all items in the population is known as
108485. The reports of observations about the behaviour of organisms and the conditions under which the behaviour occurs are known as
108486. Which is the seat of emotions
108487. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Students in permissive classrooms tend to have inadequate academic skills and poor self-control. Reason (R) : Permissive classrooms provide student's autonomy. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108488. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Median provides a technique for comparing the basic tendencies of two independent samples. Reason (R) : Median test can be used when 't' test's purpose are not fulfilled Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108489. (-3+4-7)/(-1)1+(-2)2+(-3)3=
108490. Consider the following statements : Experience sampling methods measure What people are doing and feeling while events occur Events and feeling about them shortly after the event has occurred Events or activities and feelings about them a few days after the event has occurred Events and feelings about them as recalled a few years later. Of the statements :
108491. Titchener's method for examining the elements of conscious mental life was called as
108492. Which of the following is not the advantage of autogenic relaxation
108493. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below : List I List II a) Chemical method 1. Incongruent between real and ideal self b) D-Motives 2. Aversion therapy c) Creative people 3. Maslow's hierarchy d) Carl Rogen 4. Self actualization
108494. Auto-suggestion should be given when the subject is in a
108495. When the number of items is certain in the universe, it is
108496. According to which perspective, the behaviour of a person is driven or motivated, by powerful inner forces
108497. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Measures of well-being show good internal reliability. Reason (R) : Measures of well-being are negatively correlated with symptoms of mental illness. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below :
108498. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below : List I List II a) Perfect linear relationships 1. Linear model b) Co-efficient of determination 2. Criterion variable c) y=+ x + E 3. Science d) Variable Y 4. r2
108499. Consider the following statements : When setting rules for students, a teacher must keep in mind the following : Rules should be reasonable and necessary Rules should be specific and clear Rules for classroom behaviour must be consistent with school rules Rules should be liked by all students Of the statements :