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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2191
109551. Natural join can be related with
109552. Secondary index can be related with
109553. Two basic types of record access methods are
109554. Data dictionary is a special file that contains
109555. The incubation period of measles:
109556. Large collection of files are called
109557. Which is a type of DBMS software
109558. Fragmentation of a file system
109559. Which among following is not a relational database
109560. Modify operation is likely to be done after
109561. Physical location of a record in database is determined with the help of
109562. Transaction processing was made possible by the development of
109563. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design
109564. The logical structure with one to many relationships is a
109565. Which among following contains a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a creation period of time
109566. Which among following is an approach for standardizing storing of data
109567. RAID configurations of a disk are used to provide
109568. Data management system may be implemented as
109569. Koplik’s spot is seen in:
109570. Network structure
109571. Embedded pointer provides
109572. Which is not a logical database structure
109573. Ascending order of data hierarchy is
109574. Database management systems are used to
109575. German measles is also known as:
109576. Allocation map
109577. Attribute of one table matching to the primary key of other table, is called as
109578. If a relation scheme is in BSNF then it is also in
109579. Which of the following statement is false
109580. What are the minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue?
109581. The complexity of merge sort algorithm is
109582. The complexity of Bubble sort algorithm is
109583. The complexity of Binary search algorithm is
109584. The complexity of linear search algorithm is
109585. Which of the following data structure is linear data structure
109586. Which of the following name does not relate to stacks
109587. The memory address of the first element of an array is called
109588. A graph with one or more edges is at least
109589. Which data structure is needed to convert infix notations to postfix notations
109590. Which sorting method is slowest
109591. Which is having highest precedence in C
109592. Merge sort uses
109593. Which of the languages is often translated to the pseudo code
109594. O log(n) can be conneted with
109595. How many divisions are there in COBOL language
109596. Which is ALGOL based simulation language
109597. A linear list from which elements can be added or removed from either end is called
109598. Recursive problems are implemented by
109599. Bordetella pertussis causes:
109600. Sort which compares adjacent elements in a list and switches where necessary is
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