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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2192
109601. Which is problem oriented language
109602. minimum number of stacks of size n required to implement a queue of size n
109603. In C how many parameters can passed to a function
109604. Which statement we should ignore in structure programming
109605. Deletion from one end and insertion from other end is
109606. Repeated execution of simple computation may cause compounding of
109607. ++i is equivalent to
109608. Information about an array used in a program will be stored in
109609. Preorder is
109610. Smallest individual unit in java program is known as
109611. How many keywords are available in java
109612. Main method parameter has which type of data type
109613. javah stands for
109614. Hot java is
109615. Which keyword represents object of the present class
109616. Which keyword is used while using interface
109617. Executable applet is
109618. Which driver is efficient and always preferable for using JDBC applications
109619. In which we clone the object and their constituent parts
109620. The inner class can access private members of the outer class
109621. Which command disassembles a class file
109622. There is no default transaction attribute for an EJB
109623. Which method of the Applet class displays the result of applet code on screen
109624. Applet always executed on
109625. If nested try is possible
109626. Interfaces helps in which type of inheritance
109627. ____ allows java code to run in the JVM to call and be called by native applications
109628. Which method of java is invoked by JVM to reclaim the inaccessible memory location
109629. How many transaction isolation levels are defined in java.sql.Connection interface
109630. Which driver is called as thin-driver in JDBC
109631. Java is known as _______stage language
109632. what is jdb
109633. What do you mean by javap
109634. Which of the following command is used to compile the Java program
109635. What is meaning of jar
109636. Which command is used for interpretation of java program
109637. Java intermediate code is known as
109638. Which is the predefined package
109639. Process of creating exact copy of the existing object is called
109640. JAR file contains the compressed version of
109641. In java, gc() method is available in which package
109642. All methods of interface are public and abstract
109643. Execution of the program is always begins with
109644. Super is the predefined
109645. String is the predefined
109646. Which type of inheritance is not supported by java
109647. Inheritance means
109648. Methods that have same name, but different Parameter list and different definition known as
109649. If method have same name as class name and method don’t have any return type then it is known as
109650. x=x+1 is equivalent to
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