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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2564
128201. For 1cu.m of finished concrete,the quantity of dry material required in their proportion is
128202. Contractors profit is usually
128203. One cubi m cement=----------------Bags
128204. A carriageway in which cement concrete wearing surface is provided for the wheel tracks only
128205. The finished top width of earth work in fill or cut for receiving the road structure is
128206. A fund which is accumulated gradually by deposits for replacement of any construction at the end of its useful life is known as:
128207. Regular polygon having 10 equal sides is called
128208. The type of pile which is driven at an inclination to resist inclined force is known as
128209. Who was the last Governor General of Hongkong.?
128210. The international nautical mile is same as
128211. The measuring or recording wheel of a Planimeter is divided into ----------parts
128212. The smallest division of metric leveling staff is
128213. The head quarter of Indian road congress is at
128214. A relatively fixed point of known elevation is called
128215. The portion of road way designed and constructed for vehicular traffic
128216. The initial lead for earthwork is
128217. In prismatic compass the magnetic needle used is
128218. When a canal and river happen to meet at the same level then
128219. Projectors are-------to each other in orthographic projection
128220. The development of surface of a cube consist of ----------equal squares.
128221. The development of a curved surface of a cone is a-------of a circle
128222. The solid which has 4 equal faces each an equilateral triangle is
128223. Right solid is a soild whose axis is ---------to its base
128224. The concrete slump recommended for beams and slab is
128225. The horizontal angle between the meridian and the survey line measured in clockwise direction is called
128226. The whole circle bearing of a line is ‘230^(@)’,its quadrental bearing is
128227. While constructing scales,the length of scale required is
128228. The height of telescopic metric staff
128229. The reading first entered in the field book of leveling
128230. The main principle of surveying
128231. If ‘h’ is the difference is height between and point of chain length ‘I’the required slope correction is
128232. The size of field book is
128233. 1 hector is equal to how many acres?
128234. The part of a circle bounded by an arc and its chord is known as
128235. The slope of the road pavement in the longitudinal direction is called
128236. The surface area of ‘A_(0)’size drawing sheet is
128237. Which of the following one is best suitable for accurate measurement of distance?
128238. At magnetic pole the amount if dip is
128239. In steep and broken ground the most suitable method of contouring is
128240. Isotopes have the same?
128241. The overlapping distance recommended for asbestos cement sheet roofing,along the length of the sheet is
128242. Area of a circle whose radius is ‘r’is given by
128243. Sin 90^@=-----
128244. Area is expressed in --------units
128245. Volume of bucket is given by
128246. Area of equilateral triangle is
128247. A channel which is designed to irrigate all the year round is called
128248. The rocks which are deposited in layers and can be easily split along such layers is known as
128249. The first Mughal building to have been built entirely of marble is?
128250. The membrane around the plant vacuoles are?
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