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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2707

135351. A single packet on a data link is know,as:

135352. The access method used for cassette tape is:

135353. The principle of locality of reference justify the use of:

135354. Which of the following uses the least power?

135355. A logic gate is an electronic circuit which:

135356. The Data Flow Diagrams(DFD)shows:

135357. Out of LCD and LED which display consumes the least power?

135358. The average time necessary for the correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read write head is:

135359. Communication between computers is always:

135360. The string containing certain required formatting information is called:

135361. SNMP is a protocol used for:

135362. Which algorithm design technique is used in merge sort algorithm?

135363. The operation which is commutative but not associative is:

135364. A software program stored in a ROM that can not be changed easily is known as:

135365. Which data structure is needed to convert infix notations to post fix notations?

135366. When the mouse pointer is positioned on a---------it is shaped like a hand

135367. The process of communicating with a file from a terminal is:

135368. The top most bar in any application window is the ---------which displays the name of the document or application

135369. The language which is used by terminal user to retrieve and update data in a managed database is known as:

135370. A hashing scheme is used with:

135371. A program that converts computer data into some code system other than the normal one is known as:

135372. The tracks on a disk which can be accessed without repositioning the R/W heads is:

135373. UNIVAC is:

135374. A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is:

135375. In MODEMS:

135376. A device for converting handwritten impressions into coded characters and positioned coordinates for input to a computer is:

135377. A list of named integer constant that once defined can be used in the place of an integer is called a:

135378. Error detection at that link level is achieved by:

135379. VGA is:

135380. Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which data in a database system accurate and correct?

135381. Which of the following file name extension suggests that the file is a back up copy of another file?

135382. The EXCLUSIVE _NOR gate is equivalent to an ----------gate followed by an inverter.

135383. A compound statements does not consists of :

135384. In OSI network architecture,the routing is performed by:

135385. With MSDOS which command will divided the surface of blank floppy disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one?

135386. Non modifiable procedure are called:

135387. In which of storage placement strategies a program is placed in the smallest available hole in the main memory?

135388. Which command is used to display the top of file?

135389. Errors can be found by “Outsiders”during:

135390. Data mining is:

135391. -----------is the set programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application?

135392. First high level language:

135393. A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is:

135394. The memory which is ultra violet erasable and electrically programmable is:

135395. A variable that holds the memory address of another object is called a:

135396. A central computer surrounded by one or more satellite computers is called a:

135397. The microcomputer,Intel MCS-80 is based on the widely used Intel:

135398. A technique used by codes to convert as analogue signal into a digital bit stream is known as:

135399. The complete picture of a data stored in database is known as:

135400. Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via a:

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