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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2754

137701. BARC(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)is situated at

137702. National Science day is celebrated in India on

137703. In which year Einstein Awarded Nobel Prize for the law of Photoelectric effect?

137704. The shape of a PLATEN in a typewriter is

137705. The name of typeface which gives 10 letters per inch

137706. The movement of the carriage is controlled by

137707. In which keys are used for typing a single character in the upper case?

137708. Which kind of cylinder is generally used in a Typewriter?

137709. Keyboard is fixed as per the arrangement of

137710. Pinion wheel is connected to

137711. The upper portion of the typewriter which moves while typing is called

137712. In a typewriter,the position of bell is fixed

137713. The carriage will stop suddenly,if

137714. Cylinder Ratchet Wheel is used for

137715. Universal Bar is connected to -----------------of a typewriter

137716. What is the other name of Touch System method of typewriting?

137717. Taking copies of typewritten matter by means of carbon paper is called

137718. In which parts of a typewriter located on the left side below the carriage?

137719. Which of the following is used to rotate the cylinder on either side?

137720. The carriage rack rests on

137721. (a)and(;)are------------keys in a typewriter

137722. Which key is used for typing upper case letters?

137723. --------------is used to move carriage a degree towards right.

137724. w.e.f.stands for

137725. Bell in the typewriter gives warning to caution that the

137726. The guide row of keyboard is arranged from the top as the

137727. In which direction the handle of the typewriter is to be rotated?

137728. What is the size of policy type carriage?

137729. Capital letter ‘M’denotes which number from the following?

137730. In which of the following the correct complimentary close used in the O.Letter?

137731. The expanded form of “On I.G.S”.

137732. What is the use of shift lock in a typewriter?

137733. In which of the following salutation is used when we type Messrs in the inside address of the business letter?

137734. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called

137735. Block arrows Stars and Banners,Callouts are all examples of

137736. The Word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is

137737. What type of device is computer keyboard?

137738. In the following options,which would you choose to save a document with a new name in MS Word 2007?

137739. Which item appears dimly behind the main body text?

137740. The printed output from a computer is called

137741. In which Short Key is used for increase Font Size in a selected text?

137742. Which language does MS Word used to create Macros?

137743. Computer Monitor is also known as

137744. Which of the following is called the Permanent Memory built into a Computer?

137745. ------------------gives the information about No.of pages,Present Page Number,Cursor position in a page.

137746. The default language of Microsoft word is:

137747. Which key deletes the characters to the left of the cursor?

137748. Draw a line through the middle of the selected text is knownas

137749. Find out the odd man out.

137750. Tabloid,Legal,Letter,are included in the ------------option

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