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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2770
138501. In a torque converter system,the engine flywheel is directly connected to:
138502. In the case of poppet valves,valve guide makes contact with:
138503. The movement of a vehicle with respect to its transverse axis is called:
138504. In full floating type axle arrangement,the axle casing has to take up:
138505. Without considering the number of cylinders,which engine will have the least crank shaft length:
138506. In a Wankel engine,the four processes viz,suction,compression,power and exhaust happens within:
138507. EGR system helps mainly in reducing which pollutant?
138508. In a 4 stroke engine,if the crank shaft gear has 30 teeth,then the camshaft gear will have:
138509. In a conventional distributor less ignition system equipped on a six cylinder engine,the minimum number of ignition coils will be:
138510. In a conventional ignition system,the condenser is located:
138511. Double declutching is required during:
138512. In a normal head lamp,theoretically the reflector should have the shape:
138513. Automotive alternator housing is made up of:
138514. When the clutch free pedal play is excessively increased then:
138515. The effect of centrifugal force is more prominent in the working of:
138516. During stall period in a torque converter
138517. In which type of differential gears,the pinion shaft axis lies below the crown wheel axis?
138518. In a normal differential,the ends of the cross or spider will be held in the:
138519. The component which connects the leaf spring set to the axle casing is:
138520. The helper spring comes into action when:
138521. The ultimate energy conversion happening in a hydraulic shock absorber is:
138522. In a propeller shaft if the length of the shaft is decreased by half,then the:
138523. Which type of front suspension gives maximum space for engine installation?
138524. The ride quality of a vehicle will be maximum when:
138525. The front stabilizer rod is used to reduce the tendency of a vehicle to:
138526. In Ackermann steering system,perfect steering condition is attained only during
138527. In a normal steering linkages used in a rigid axle suspension vehicle,the component between the cross shaft and the drag link is:
138528. The metal used as balancing weights in wheel balancing is:
138529. In a spoke wheel,while handling the braking torque,the spokes are subjected to:
138530. In a conventional hydraulic actuated drum brake,if it is twin leading type,minimum number of wheel cylinders required are:
138531. In an air brake system,the valve that the driver can actuate is:
138532. The component which restricts the flow of current from battery to generator is:
138533. The city of Varanasi is situated on the banks of river.
138534. Sasthamkotta lake is the only major fresh water lake in Kerala belong to which district?
138535. In which year Prime Ministers Gramodaya Yojana(PMGY)started?
138536. Who is known as the father of Indian Politics and Economics?
138537. Who is the present chairman of NITI Aayog?
138538. THe fourth visit of Mahatma Gandhi in Kerala is connected with:
138539. Who was the founder of Secret Society Anusilan Samithi’?
138540. When did Balgangadhar Tilak declared ‘Swaraj is my birth right and I will have it’?
138541. Where is the headquarters of Coconut Development Board?
138542. The Anamudi Peak is in the High Range of:
138543. The first to perform mirror consecration in South Indi
138544. Who was the founder of the Sidhasramam at Alathur in Palakkad district?
138545. Where was Ayya Vaikunda Swamikal born in 1809?
138546. In which year Kuriakose Elias Chavara Achan declared as blessed one?
138547. Who is the president of World Bank?
138548. Who is the director of Malayalam film Kathakali?
138549. Ace Against odd is the autobiography of:
138550. Who is the Vie Chairman of State Planning Board?
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