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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 309

15451. Failure of a material is attributed to __________ if it fails below its yield point.

15452. Protection of ship hulls against sea water corrosion is done by coating with zinc because of the fact that zinc compared to iron is

15453. Which of the following pairs regarding the effect of alloying elements in steels are not matched correctly ?

15454. The phenomenon of strain-ageing is generally experienced with

15455. The capacity of a material to absorb energy depends upon both its strength & stiffness. The term 'stiffness' of a material is the opposite of its

15456. Filler metal is not used in the __________ welding.

15457. The heat released by cooling one mole of copper from 400 K to room temperature (300 K) is (assume : Cp of copper is 23 J K-1mole-1)

15458. Sudden immersion/dipping of red hot steel bar in water makes it

15459. A material expanding freely due to heating will develop __________ stress.

15460. A machine having assumed life of 20 years is purchased for Rs 32000/-. Its scrap value at the end of its life is Rs 8000/-. If the depreciation is calculated by diminishing balance method, then percentage reduction in its value at the end of first year is __________ percent.

15461. More than 1000 tons refrigeration capacity plants are usually of __________ type.

15462. The bleaching action of chlorine is

15463. The increase in hardness of metal due to its cold working is termed as the __________ hardening.

15464. The maximum axial compression stress during cold upsetting of a cylinderical rod of radius (r) occurs at

15465. Electrode potential is not concerned with the measurment of

15466. __________ column is preferred to be used, when a high liquid hold up is required in a reactor for gas-liquid reaction.

15467. Tungsten in high speed steel is responsible for its

15468. With increase in carbon percentage in steel, its

15469. Percentage of gaunge is maximum in the ore of

15470. The forms in which various metals and non metals occur in nature are called minerals. Which of the following is not a metallic ferrous mineral?

15471. Which group of medicine are commonly used to lower the body temperature?

15472. The most commonly used material for sewers for carrying sewage in the normal situation is

15473. Filler metal is used in __________ welding.

15474. Acetylene should never be conveyed through __________ pipe, as it forms an unstable compound that dissociates violently at the slightest shock.

15475. Which of the following contains the least percentage of carbon ?

15476. Electric arc furnace is employed mainly for the production of __________ steel.

15477. Heat treatment of steel is done mainly to change its

15478. __________ method of depreciation calculation ensures that the interest is charged on the cost of machine asset every year on the book value, but the rate of depreciation remains constant every year.

15479. Main alloying element in Elinvar used in precision instruments, hair springs for watches etc. is

15480. Color of brass changes from yellow to __________ after its dezincification which exemplifies selective leaching.

15481. Heat dissipation in cooling towers is mainly by

15482. In BOF, desiliconisation is a first order reaction. So the silicon content of the metal decreases

15483. Hoope's cell is predominantly used for the electrolytic refining of

15484. Lead percentage in pure galena is about

15485. The voltage generated at the power station is

15486. The life of a ball bearing is inversely proportional to

15487. 100% ethanol is commonly known as

15488. Stoneware pipes used for sewers for carrying sewage normally is joined by __________ joint.

15489. Which of the following parameters is actually measured during tensile testing of a specimen using Universal testing machine?

15490. 'End cooler' or 'after cooler' is employed in air compressor mainly to

15491. Streaklines, streamlines & pathlines are almost identical for __________ fluid flow.

15492. The suction and delivery pressure for a two stage compressor are 1 and 25 atm respectively. The intermediate stage pressure would be around __________ atm.

15493. The term 'Value' in value engineering technique refers to the __________ cost of the product.

15494. Melting point & boiling points of liquid oxygen are respectively - 218.8°C & - 183°C, while the same for liquid nitrogen is - 210°C & - 195.8°C respectively. The difference in melting points of liquid oxygen & liquid nitrogen is not equal to 8.8

15495. The entropy change for a spontaneous process is

15496. Milligram of KOH required to saponify 1 gm of oil is called its __________ number.

15497. Pick out the wrong statement about a fast breeder reactor.

15498. The speed of sound will be maximum in

15499. Work done by a/an __________ process is determined by.

15500. In case of water (Prandtl number ≈ 6) flowing over a flat plate heated over the entire length, the thermal boundary layer thickness as compared to hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness is

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