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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 3164

158201. Which of the following is required to create an HTML document?

158202. When a chart is placed on this, it is much larger and there is no other data on it?

158203. The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as?

158204. _________ processing used when a large mail-order company accumulates orders and processes them together in one large set.?

158205. Producing output involves?

158206. Compiler is the?

158207. Each field in a database is identified by a _______.?

158208. An error in a computer program is known as _______ .?

158209. In Excel, this is a prerecorded formula that provides a shortcut for complex calculations _______.?

158210. You click at B to make the text ________.?

158211. Title bar, ribbon, status bar, views and document workspace are factors of _______ program of Word.?

158212. A pixel is _________.?

158213. What is the full form of SIM?

158214. Where BIOS is stored ______?

158215. Most Advanced form of ROM is -?

158216. Laptops was invented by-?

158217. Granting an outside organization access to internet web pages is often implemented using a(n)-?

158218. The output quality of a printer is measured by-?

158219. In analog computer –?

158220. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed:?

158221. Who designed the first electronic computer ENIAC?

158222. Who invented the high level language ‘C’?

158223. A web site address is a unique name that identifies a ________ specific on the web.?

158224. MP3 technology compresses a sound sequence to _____ of its original size.?

158225. Which is the feature of IBS (Integrated Banking Systems)?

158226. When sending an e-mail, the _____line describes the contents of the message.?

158227. Which of the following is a language translation software?

158228. When you purchase a product over a Mobile Phone, the transaction is called _______.?

158229. Which of these e-commerce systems handle non-monetary document?

158230. File extension is used _________.?

158231. A compiler translates a program written in a high-level language into __________.?

158232. A Database Management System (DBMS) is ___________.?

158233. A set of formats that has a name and can be quickly applied to selected text is called a(n)?

158234. You can show an entire page or multiple pages at the same time using _______options.?

158235. Expansion cards are inserted into?

158236. When software is distributed free but requires the users to pay some amount for further use, it is called?

158237. When we open an Internet site we see ‘www’. What is the full form of ‘www’?

158238. What do you use to create a chart?

158239. What does the acronym PDF stand for?

158240. LSI in chip technology stands for?

158241. Micro Processor speed is measured in?

158242. Full Form of ISR is ________.?

158243. A device operating at the physical layer is called a ________.?

158244. A (n) __________ allows sharing of a broadband Internet connection.?

158245. ADSL is the abbreviation of _________.?

158246. When we run a program in HTML coding _______ is used as backend and _______ works as front-end.?

158247. ________ is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network.?

158248. The "home page" of a web site is _________.?

158249. You must instruct the _________ to start the application software.?

158250. Incorrect information is generated by _________in the information system.?

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