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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 3168
158401. Which of the following is the fastest type of computer?
158402. Fax machines are used to send documents through a _________ .?
158403. What kind of server converts IP addresses to domain names?
158404. Programs such as Mozilla Firefox that serve as navigable windows into the Web are called________.?
158405. The computer size was very large in _____________.?
158406. Which of the following code used in present day computing was developed by IBM Corporation?
158407. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special-character is made up of a unique combination of _______.?
158408. Internet Explorer is a ___________.?
158409. USB in data cables stands for__________.?
158410. You must install a (n) _____________ on a network if you want to share a broadband Internet connection.?
158411. Which of the following can be used to select the entire document?
158412. To reload a web page, press the ________ button.?
158413. Which of the following is an example of hardware?
158414. What is the full form of UTP?
158415. Which of the followings is not a storage device?
158416. A place that a user can create to store files.?
158417. The __________ tells the computer how to use its components?
158418. Which of the following is an acceptable way to shut down the computer?
158419. Which of the following is not a computer programming language?
158420. A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the internet, is called a(n) ________.?
158421. ________ is not a web browser.?
158422. IDE stands for __________.?
158423. Which of the following command is used to rename the file or folder?
158424. The ________ enables your computer to connect to other computers.?
158425. What menu is selected to save or save as _________.?
158426. A(n) _________ is text that you want printed at the bottom of the page?
158427. To move to the beginning of a line of text, press ______ key.?
158428. Microsoft Office Word creates a ________for you when you press ENTER or the SPACEBAR after you type the address of an existing Web page.?
158429. What is the full form of DFD?
158430. In MS-Word, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is ___________.?
158431. Which of the following companies developed MS office?
158432. A device operating at the physical layer is called a ___________.?
158433. In case of MS-access, the rows of table correspond to _________.?
158434. Holding the mouse button down while moving an object or text is known as _________.?
158435. What is the Short cut key for line break?
158436. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other image into digital form is ___________.?
158437. Portrait is a ____________.?
158438. A keyboard is _________ device.?
158439. Who is known as father of Artificial Intelligence?
158440. Which of the following is not a storage device?
158441. The CPU comprises of Control, Memory and ________ units.?
158442. _________ is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network.?
158443. Junk e-mail is also called _______.?
158444. To save an existing file with new name at a new location we should us _______ command.?
158445. In processing cheques, which of the following PO techniques have Indian banks traditionally followed?
158446. _________is collection of web pages and _______ is the very first page that we see on opening of a website.?
158447. ________ cells involve creating single cells by combining two or more selected cells.?
158448. Which of the following displays programs that are currently running? A single click on one of the program icons will bring the Windows up.?
158449. After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered:?
158450. The __________ enables you to simultaneously keep multiple Web pages open in one browser window.?
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