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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 510
25501. The maximum permissible deflection of a timber beam supporting a roof, is
25502. The angular steps used for changing direction of the stairs, are called
25503. During percussion drilling
25504. In English garden wall bond
25505. A projecting piece usually provided to support a truss, is
25506. The line of intersection of the surfaces of a sloping roof forming an external angle exceeding 180°, is
25507. A solid core of rock is formed in side the cylinder in the case of
25508. The single stage well point system of dewatering an excavation can be used if the depth of excavation does not exceed
25509. The piece of a brick cut with its one corner equivalent to half the length and half the width of a full brick, is known as
25510. The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of a wall, is known as
25511. A wooden block hinged on post outside a door, is known
25512. A child of blood group ‘O’will have parents of blood groups-------
25513. In horizontal D.P.C, thickness of cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4) is
25514. Which one of the following factors is considered for the orientation of buildings :
25515. The functional unit of DNA ,which determines a single polypeptide chain is---------
25516. Which one of the following rocks is used for monumental buildings :
25517. The Auger borings are not common
25518. The form work from the underside of slabs, can be removed only after
25519. Arches in the form of masonry arcs struck from more than four centres, are called
25520. Two or more forms of a chemical element having different physical properties but rising to identical chemical compounds are called?
25521. The vehicle used to send Leika to space:?
25522. Cast iron piles
25523. The depth of an arch is the distance between
25524. Expansion joints in masonry walls are provided if length exceeds
25525. The platform at the end of a series of steps, is known as
25526. Raft foundation are generally preferred to when the area required for individual footing, is more than
25527. You are asked to design and supervise a truss for a factory to have spans 6 m to 9 m. The type of the truss you will use, is
25528. Which of the following ion plays a vital role in the photolysis of water during photosynthesis?
25529. The arrangement of supporting an existing structure by providing supports underneath, is known as
25530. The process of keeping concrete moist for a certain period after its finishing, is known as
25531. The inclined surface of an abutment to receive the arch, is known as
25532. The strength of brick masonry in 1:6 cement mortar, is
25533. The dimensions of a half queen closer, are
25534. In case of foundations on sandy soil, maximum permissible differential settlement, is usually limited to
25535. For heavy embankments and dams, of height h, the depth of exploration of soil should not be less than
25536. For different layers of cement concrete floor. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
25537. Rotary drilling
25538. In places where the soil is soft and has small resistance to the flow of concrete, which one of the following types of piles, is used
25539. In grillage foundations a minimum 15 cm cover is provided on
25540. The skirting/dado in a bath roof should be upto
25541. The maximum bearing capacity of soil is that of
25542. The columns of multi-storeyed buildings are designed to withstand the forces due to
25543. The black cotton soil
25544. Agaricus belongs to the class-------
25545. Exposed portions of vertical surface at right angles to the door or window frame, are known as
25546. To obtain good bonding in brick masonry
25547. Raft foundations are used for :
25548. For brick construction, the lime-sand mortar, is
25549. An arch constructed with finely dressed stones, is known
25550. Cavity wall is generally provided for
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