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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 519
25951. In the Census of 2011 the female literacy rate in Kerala
25952. The rocks which are formed due to cooling of magma at a relatively shallow depth from the earth's surface are called
25953. The base material for distemper, is
25954. The thermosetting plastic
25955. Pick up the synthetic resin from the following:
25956. Slacking of lime is affected by
25957. The steel used in R.C.C. work is
25958. Mastic asphalt is
25959. Non acid-resistant asbestos is :
25960. Stones used for the construction of retaining walls must be
25961. Permanent magnets are made of high carbon steel and
25962. Plastics are compounds of carbon with element
25963. Athula’s Mushakavamsakavya is a semi legendary accounts of the rulers of
25964. Pick up the constituent of good brick earth whose excess causes the raw bricks shrink and warp during drying and burning, from the following:
25965. Cast iron is used for
25966. Stainless steel resists corrosion due to
25967. Commonly used thinner in
25968. Good quality sand is never obtained from
25969. Pick up the rock which is not a sedimentary rock from the following:
25970. For a good building stone, its specific gravity should the greater than
25971. Blister steel
25972. The most important constituent of varnish, is
25973. A ferrous metal is
25974. For making fly-ash building bricks, the following mix of fly-ash, sand and lime, is
25975. Tharisapally Copper plate is considered as the first dated inscriptions in Kerala epigraphy.It was issued by Ayyanadikal Thiruvadikal in
25976. Water paint is a
25977. Seasoning of timber is done
25978. The specific gravity of marble, is
25979. The rocks having alumina or clay as their major constituents, are known as
25980. The curved swellings from the growth of layers or wounds left after branches are cut off in an irregular manner, are known as
25981. The Danish fort ‘Dansborg’constructed in 1620 at
25982. Spirit varnish generally consists of
25983. In which state Amul launches country’s first milk ATM on 24th Jan.2014?
25984. The tendency of a stone is, to split along:
25985. Acrylic is the name of
25986. Glazing of clay products, is done
25987. Lime mortar is generally made with
25988. Duco paints are
25989. Who among the following are not the Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission of India?
25990. Steel contains carbon approximately
25991. Cast iron contains carbon approximately
25992. Plastic asphalt is
25993. For obtaining vinyl chloride acetate, the method used, is
25994. The yield strength and tensile strength of low carbon steel may be improved by the addition of
25995. Bitumen completely dissolves in
25996. Good quality cement contains higher percentage of
25997. Soundness of cement is tested by
25998. The PVC doors and windows are preferred as they are
25999. Based on its dry weight, a freshly felled tree may contain water
26000. Forge pig may be converted to wrought iron by
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