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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 520
26001. To give a brilliant finish, the type of varnish used, is
26002. Right to Information Act passed by the Parliament in It came into force on
26003. The softest rock is
26004. Bitumen may be dissolved in
26005. Worlds largest concentrated solar power plant opened on 4th Feb 2016 in
26006. Whitworth compressed steel is obtained when molten steel is subjected to a pressure of
26007. Asbestos
26008. Mild steel is used for
26009. The sequence of refractory materials according to increasing melting points is :
26010. Veneering means
26011. Laterite is a/an
26012. A stone is rejected if it absorbs water more than
26013. The most valuable timber may be obtained from
26014. In which state in India the tribal festival ‘Medaram Jatara’is celebrated?
26015. Pick up the compound responsible for early strength of cement from the following:
26016. A person who works for the good of others:
26017. Which one of the following is used for preparing porcelain
26018. The commonly used base for iron and steel work, is
26019. Laterite is found in
26020. Lacquer is
26021. Upto a maximum of 72% of iron, is available in
26022. For lime concrete,
26023. Pig iron made from heamatite ores free from sulphur, phosphorus and copper, is known as
26024. My brother lives in Europe.So I see him once in once in a blue moon.The underlined pharase means
26025. The material generally not used as extender in paints, is
26026. Pick up the non-inflammable plastic from the following:
26027. The most commonly used synthetic abrasive is
26028. For light and ornamental casting, the most unsuitable pig iron, is
26029. Seasoning of timber is essential to remove
26030. The melting point of silica is :
26031. A bull nose brick is not used for
26032. Red short iron cracks when bent due to the presence of
26033. Linseed oil is used in paints as
26034. Plaster of Paris is obtained by calcining
26035. For high grade instruments the steel preferred to, is
26036. If the ore impurities is
26037. The plastics prepared from Vinyl resin are
26038. Chlorite, a green colour mineral is mainly derived from the decomposition of
26039. During smelting process, the combination of fuel in the furnace
26040. Lime stones are generally known as
26041. The method of addition polymerization is used for obtaining:
26042. The opposite of ‘decline’ is
26043. A rock contains only one mineral. It is called
26044. Yasin----on his journey last Friday
26045. Pegmatite is a/an
26046. The percentage of alumina and silica in good fire clay vary respectively is
26047. The term frog means
26048. Asphalt is obtained from
26049. To retard the initial setting time of cement, the compound responsible, is
26050. Dorry's testing machine is used for
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