26251. The type of aggregates not suitable for high strength concrete and for pavements subjected to tension, is
26252. For the construction of R.C.C. slabs, columns, beams, walls, etc. the grade of concrete mix used, is
26253. The type of aggregates of same nominal size, which contain less voids when compacted, are
26254. For the construction of cement con-certe dams, the maximum permissible size of the aggregates, is
26255. Permissible compressive strength of M 200 concrete grade is
26256. For preparing a test-specimen, it is necessary
26257. The aggregate containing moisture in pores and having its suface dry, is known as
26258. The commercial name of white and coloured cement in India, is
26259. The adaptation sunken stomata are found in
26260. To hydrate 500kg of cement full water needed, is
26261. Concrete gains strength due to
26262. If aggregates completely pass through a sieve of size 75 mm and are retained on a sieve of size 60 mm, the particular aggregate will be flaky if its minimum dimension is less than
26263. Non-uniform compaction may cause the concrete
26264. Log Angles machine is used to test the aggregate for
26265. If fineness modulus of sand is 2.5, it is graded as
26266. Pozzolanic properties exist in
26267. An aggregate which passes through 25 mm I.S. sieve and is retained on 20 mm sieve, is said to be flaky if its least dimension is less than
26268. Expansion joints are provided if the length of concrete structures exceeds
26269. The plant community that grow in a marshy saline habitat are called
26270. If the slump of a concrete mix is 60 mm, its workability is
26271. The ecologically odd one among the plant listed
26272. The strength and quality of concrete, depend upon:
26273. The process of mixing, transporting, placing and compacting concrete using Ordinary Port land Cement should not take more than
26274. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. While performing preliminary test on concrete
26275. Sand requiring a high water cement ratio, belongs to
26276. Ordinary Portland cement is manufactured from
26277. A flaky aggregate is said to be elongated if its length is
26278. To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete, is
26279. If the various concrete ingredients i.e. cement, sand and aggregates are in the ratio of 1:3:6, the grade of concrete, is
26280. Water cement ratio is generally expressed in volume of water required per
26281. For a good concrete
26282. If the effective plan area of a warehouse is 54 sq. m, and maximum height of piles permitted is 270 cm, the number of cement bags to be stored, is
26283. Gypsum is added for
26284. A concrete having a slump of 6.5 cm, is said to be
26285. Strength of concrete with passage of time
26286. Cement used for normal concrete construction, is obtained by burning a mixture of
26287. The abbreviation MAB stands for
26288. The population of the critically endangered Great Indian Bustard has been declining due to
26289. Higher workability of concrete is required if the structure is
26290. Setting time of cement increases by adding
26291. The dimensions of a 35 litre forma for measuring aggregates by volume, are :
26292. The shuttering of a hall measuring 4 m x 5 m, can be removed after
26293. In ecology the term’carrying capacity’of a species means
26294. If 50 kg of fine aggregates and 100 kg of coarse agregates are mixed in a concrete whose water cement ratio is 0.6, the weight of water required for harsh mix, is
26295. The entrained air in concrete
26296. Which of the following regions in India is a biodiversity hotspot?
26297. As per Wildlife Protection Act,1972 following is not a protected area category
26298. In slump test, each layer of concrete is compacted by a steel rod 60 cm long and of 16 mm diameter for
26299. If the average compressive strength is 4000 kg/cm2 and standard deviation is 500, the co-efficient of variation is
26300. For preparing ordinary concrete, the quantity of water used, is