27951. Distance between inner faces of the flanges, is kept
27952. Wooden sleepers used on the girders of bridges, are generally made of
27953. Economic growth is usually coupled with?
27954. If D is distance between centres of two parallel track of gauge G, then, total length of cross-over (from the point of commencement to the point of termination) with an intermediate straight portion and N crossing, is given by
27955. If a 0.7% upgrade meets a 0.65% downgrade at a summit and the permissible rate of change of grade per chain length is 0.10%, the length of the vertical curve, is
27956. Overall depth of a dog spike, is
27957. Best wood for wooden sleepers is
27958. The rail section which is not used on Indian metre gauge tracks, is
27959. Dimensions of a plate girder, are :
27960. Rail joint supported on a single sleeper, is known
27961. Maximum wheel base distance provided on Indian B.G. tracks, is
27962. The tread of wheels is provided an outward slope of
27963. On a straight railway track, absolute levels at point A on two rails are 100.550 m and 100.530 m and the absolute levels at point B 100 m apart are 100.585 m and 100.515 m respectively, the value of twist of rails per metre run, is
27964. Bearing plates are used to fix
27965. A welded rail joint is generally
27966. Safe speed (V) on a curve of radius 970 metres provided with two transition curves on Board Gauge track, is
27967. Two pipe systems can be said to be equivalent,when the following quantities are same:
27968. If α is switch angle and R is radius of the turnout, the length of the tongue rail, is
27969. The quantity of stone ballast required per metre tangent length, is
27970. The type of switch generally used for B.G. and M.G. tracks, is
27971. Who, amongst the rulers of Southern India, were the contemporaries of kings of the Gupta Empire?
27972. For flat bottom sleepers, maximum size of ballast, is
27973. Coning of wheels
27974. The sleepers which satisfy the requirements of an ideal sleeper, are
27975. Arrangement made to divert the trains from one track to another, is known as
27976. At a rail joint, the ends of adjoining rails, are connected with a pair of fish plates and
27977. Width of the top portion of a flat footed, rail, is
27978. For providing the required tilt of rails, adazing of wooden sleepers, is done for
27979. The life of a wooden sleeper depends upon
27980. The spread between the point and splice rails at a distance of 4.25 rn is 50 cm. The size of the crossing is
27981. Minimum packing space provided between two sleepers, is between
27982. The overall length of a turn out is the distance between the end of stock rail and
27983. According to Railway Board, no diamond crossing should be flatter than
27984. Coning of wheels is provided
27985. A scissors cross over consists of one diamond and
27986. For pipes,transition flow occurs when Reynolds number is:
27987. Heel divergency, the distance between the running faces of stock rail and gauge face of tongue rail, as recommended for Indian B.G. tracks, is
27988. Type of switch rails generally adopted for modern track, is
27989. If sleeper density is M + 7 for 13 m rails, the minimum depth of ballast under wooden sleepers (25 cm x 13 cm), is
27990. By interchanging gibs and cotters of a pot sleeper, gauge may be slackened by
27991. Composite sleeper index determines
27992. Fill Up the blanks : Some of my clothing ......... damaged.?
27993. Indian Railways detects the rail flow by
27994. The rail section which is not used on Indian Broad Gauge tracks, is
27995. Ballast packed below and around the sleepers to transfer the load from sleepers to formation, generally consists of
27996. A wing rail is renewed or reconditioned if its maximum vertical wear is
27997. The place where a railway line and a road cross each other at the same level, is known as
27998. On Indian Railways standard length of rails for B.G. track, is