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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 558

27901. The ratio of the discharge over a trapezoidal crest to a rectangular crest of Sarda falls of identical parameters, is

27902. For standing crops in undulating sandy fields, the best method of irrigation, is

27903. In a syphon aqueduct

27904. Choose the best suited type of screw thread for applications for stresses on threadsinone direction only

27905. Garnett's diagrams are used for graphical solution of design equations of a canal by

27906. A current meter measures the velocity of flow, if it is held

27907. In a concrete canal the approximate permissible velocity of water should not exceed

27908. Pick up the correct sequence of the part of a canal system from the following

27909. A counter berm is

27910. രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ വിനോദം എന്നറിയ [Raajaakkanmaarude vinodam ennariya]

27911. For diversion of flood water of rivers, the type of canal constructed, is

27912. To control the silt entry into a distributary at head regulator, King's vanes are provided which are the walls

27913. According to Lacey, in regime conditions

27914. Process of meandering is due to

27915. The acid present in tomatoes is?

27916. For cereal crops the most commonly adopted method of irrigation, is

27917. While deciding the alignment of a proposed canal taking off from a river at B, three alignments of approximately equal lengths are available. These cross a drainages at C1, C2 and C3 where drainage bed levels C1 > C2 > C3, you will provide at site C3

27918. The ratio of the rate of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change in level of water surface in a distributary at its normal depth, is known as

27919. Lacey's equation for calculating flood discharge in rivers, is

27920. The most suitable section of a lined canal, is

27921. To hold hydraulic jumps, baffle walls are provided in

27922. Borrow pits should preferably be located in

27923. Irrigation canals are generally aligned along

27924. The length of a meander is the distance along the river between the tangent point of one curve to the tangent point of

27925. International Literacy Day:?

27926. From coefficient of spring is defined as

27927. In a laminated spring,the various strips are made of different length for the following reason

27928. The diameter of shaft in any power transmission system is proportional to

27929. Excessive back and forth movement of the crankshaft is prevented by

27930. Piston pins are usually either a press fit in the rod or

27931. If no resistance is encountered by displacement,such a substance is known as

27932. The first Indian railway was laid in

27933. The weight of the rails depends upon

27934. Pressure coefficient is the ratio of pressure force to

27935. A stream line is defined as the line

27936. Minimum depth of ballast prescribed of B.G. trunk lines of Indian Railways, is

27937. Boxing of ballast is done

27938. Best ballast contains stones varying in size from

27939. For holding a rail in position, no chairs are used for

27940. Distance between the inner rail and check rail provided on sharp curve, is

27941. Coal ash (or cinder) is used in initial stages of a new construction of railway for

27942. Pot sleepers are in the form of

27943. In railways a triangle is mainly provided for

27944. A kink is made in stock rails, ahead of the toe of switch at a distance of

27945. Which of the following statements about Babur’s administration is correct?

27946. Rails are bent to correct curvature if the degree of curve, is more than

27947. In India the rails are manufactured by

27948. Rail section first designed on Indian railways, was

27949. A scissors cross-over consists of

27950. To prevent percolation of water into formation, moorum is used as a blanket for

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