45651. The percentage of number of students getting at least 60% marks in Chemistry over those getting at least 40% marks in aggregate, is approximately?
45652. The number of students scoring less than 40% marks in aggregate is?
45653. If it is known that at least 23 students were eligible for a Symposium on Chemistry, then the minimum qualifying marks in Chemistry for eligibility to Symposium would lie in the range?
45654. For which state the average number of candidates selected over the years is the maximum?
45655. The percentage of candidates qualified from Punjab over those appeared from Punjab is highestin the year?
45656. In the year 1997, which state had the lowest percentage of candidates selected over the candidates appeared?
45657. The number of candidates selected from Haryana during the period under review is approximately what percent of the number selected from Delhi during this period?
45658. The percentage of candidates selected from U.P over those qualified from U.P is highest in the year?
45659. What is the approximate percentage of total number of candidates selected to the total number of candidates qualified for all five states together during the year 1999?
45660. What was the approximate percentage increase in the sales of 55AH batteries in 1998 compared to that in 1992?
45661. The total sales of all the seven years is the maximum for which battery?
45662. What is the difference in the number of 35AH batteries sold in 1993 and 1997?
45663. The percentage of 4AH batteries sold to the total number of batteries sold was maximum in the year?
45664. In case of which battery there was a continuous decrease in sales from 1992 to 1997?
45665. If the number of students passing an examination be considered a criteria for comparision of difficulty level of two examinations, which of the following statements is true in this context?
45666. How many students are there in Class IX in the school?
45667. Which section has the maximum pass percentage in at least one of the two examinations?
45668. Which section has the maximum success rate in annual examination?
45669. Which section has the minimum failure rate in half yearly examination?
45670. What is the difference between the total number of Technicians added to the Company and the total number of Accountants added to the Company during the years 1996 to 2000?
45671. What was the total number of Peons working in the Company in the year 1999?
45672. For which of the following categories the percentage increase in the number of employees working in the Company from 1995 to 2000 was the maximum?
45673. What is the pooled average of the total number of employees of all categories in the year 1997?
45674. During the period between 1995 and 2000, the total number of Operators who left the Company is what percent of total number of Operators who joined the Company?
45675. If the male population above poverty line for State R is 1.9 million, then the total population of State R is?
45676. What will be the number of females above the poverty line in the State S if it is known that the population of State S is 7 million?
45677. What will be the male population above poverty line for State P if the female population below poverty line for State P is 2.1 million?
45678. If the population of males below poverty line for State Q is 2.4 million and that for State T is 6 million, then the total populations of States Q and T are in the ratio?
45679. What is the average amount of interest per year which the company had to pay during this period?
45680. The total amount of bonus paid by the company during the given period is approximately what percent of the total amount of salary paid during this period?
45681. Total expenditure on all these items in 1998 was approximately what percent of the total expenditure in 2002?
45682. The total expenditure of the company over these items during the year 2000 is?
45683. The ratio between the total expenditure on Taxes for all the years and the total expenditure on Fuel and Transport for all the years respectively is approximately?
45684. The concept of Social Capital has been put forward by----------
45685. Splines and keys in mechanical assemblies:
45686. Castle nuts are normally used with:
45687. Gaskets are used to:
45688. Taps are used to:
45689. Which of the following is one of the basic approaches for joining tables?
45690. Which of the following is true concerning systems information in an RDBMS?
45692. Embedded SQL is which of the following?
45693. A UNION query is which of the following?
45694. Which of the following statements is true concerning subqueries?
45695. Which of the following is a correlated subquery?
45696. How many tables may be included with a join?
45698. Which of the following is true concerning triggers?
45699. Triggers are stored blocks of code that have to be called in order to operate.
45700. The joining technique is useful when data from several relations are to be retrieved and displayed and the relationships are not necessarily nested.