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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 923

46151. Sun defines four JDBC driver types.

46152. Java and C/C++ are so close that there are no incompatibilities between them. Therefore, a driver is not necessary.

46153. JSP and ASP not only look alike but their underlying technology is quite similar.

46154. Type 3 and Type 4 JDBC drivers can be used for sevlets and applets.

46155. JDBC Type 1 drivers are JDBC-ODBC bridge drivers.

46156. JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity

46157. How many JDBC driver types does Sun define?

46158. Where is metadata stored in MySQL?

46159. Who invented Java?

46160. To run a compiled Java program, the machine must have what loaded and running?

46161. Which JDBC driver Type(s) can be used in either applet or servlet code?

46162. How many synchronizer units are there in a three speed transmission?

46163. How many gears are there in the main shaft of a four speed transmission?

46164. Pick the odd one out:

46165. A humming noise from the under body of a rear wheel drive vehicle is due to:

46166. The type of font axle in which the king pin is usually fixed in the stub axle forging and ends turn in the forked end of the axle beam is:

46167. When mapping a multivalued attribute into a relation which of the following is true?

46168. If no multivalued attributes exist in a relation, then the relation is in what normal form?

46169. A primary key is which of the following?

46170. The relational model consists of:

46171. When mapping a binary many-to-many relationship into a relation which of the following is true?

46172. A relation has which of the following properties?

46173. When mapping a ternary relationship with an associative entity into a relation which of the following is true?

46174. When mapping a regular entity into a relation which of the following is true?

46175. When mapping a supertype/subtype relationship which of the following is true?

46176. Relations are:

46177. An enterprise key is a primary key whose value is unique for a given relation.

46178. A composite attribute does not get mapped into a relation.

46179. A relation is a two-dimensional table.

46180. Weak entities do not get mapped into a relation.

46181. A primary key may be null.

46182. A null value is assigned when no other value applies.

46183. A synonym is two or more attributes that have different names but the same meaning.

46184. The primary key in a relation does not need to be underlined.

46185. In a 1:M relationship, the primary key on the one side migrates to the many side to become the foreign key on the many side.

46186. Normalization is a formal process for deciding which attributes should be grouped together in a relation.

46187. A candidate key must uniquely identify each row.

46188. Well-structured relations encourage anomalies of data.

46189. A foreign key may be null and still adhere to the referential integrity constraint.

46190. If a relation is in third normal form, it does not need to be in second normal form.

46191. The primary key of the new relation in a many-to-many relationship is a composite key comprised of the primary keys of each of the binary entities.

46192. The entity integrity rule states that:

46193. When mapping a many-to-many unary relationship into a relation which of the following is true?

46194. If no multivalued attributes exist and no partial dependencies exist in a relation, then the relation is in what normal form?

46195. A foreign key is which of the following?

46196. A transitive dependency is which of the following?

46197. The tilt of the front wheels from vertical is called:

46198. To reduce the vibration and for stability of a vehicle:

46199. Stroke length is equal to:

46200. Which is not true with respect to Disc Brakes?

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