chemical-engineering-nuclear-power-engineering Related Question Answers

126. Indian monazite sand contains __________ percent thorium.

127. Percentage of the heavy water in ordi water is around

128. Which of the following undergoes fission reaction easily ?

129. Thorium-232 (a fertile material) on absorption of a neutron gets converted into __________ , which is a fissile material.

130. Percentage of heavy water in ordinary water is around

131. Safety rods provided in nuclear reactors to guard against accidents, in case of earthquake are made of

132. Which of the following is not used as a moderator in nuclear reactor ?

133. In β-decay of radioactive material, the ratio of neutron to proton

134. When the difference between mass number and atomic number of atoms of two or more elements are same, the atoms are termed as

135. The critical mass of a fissionable material can be reduced by

136. Primary purpose of a __________ nuclear reactor is to supply a high neutron flux of the order of 1013 to 1014 neutrons/cm2 second.

137. The first underground nuclear test was conducted by India at

138. Main source of __________ is monazite sand.

139. A radioactive isotope undergoes decay with respect to time following __________ law.

140. Atoms of U-238 and U-235 differ in structure by three

141. Heavy water (D2O) in a nuclear reactor serves as a

142. Which of the following nuclear materials is fissile ?

143. Extraction of uranium from its ore is done using __________ methods.

144. The main ore of uranium is

145. Function of control rod in a nuclear reactor is to control

146. The ratio of neutrons to protons of an element having a mass number and atomic number of 80 and 40 respectively is

147. Fast breeder reactors are most usable in India, because of our largest __________ deposits.

148. In the nuclear reaction, 93N239 94Pu239 + ?; the missing particle is a/an

149. Critical energy should be __________ the neutron binding energy of the atom in order to initiate a nuclear fission.

150. The main ore of thorium is

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