civil-engineering-soil-mechanics-and-foundation-engineering Related Question Answers

151. Pick up the incorrect definition from the following:

152. In a fow net

153. The ratio of the volume of water present in a given soil mass to the total volume of its voids, is known

154. Stoke's law does not hold good if the size of particle is smaller than

155. In a purely cohesive soil, the critical centre lies at the intersection of

156. The angle of internal friction, is least for

157. In non-cohesive soil in passive state of plastic equilibrium

158. In active state of plastic equilibrium in a non cohesive soil with horizontal ground surface

159. The reduction in volume of soil due to squeezing out of water from the voids, is termed

160. 'Drift' is the material picked up, mixed, disintegrated, transported and redeposited by

161. The consistency index of a soil is defined as the ratio of

162. The meaning of the phrase “Alma Mater.”?

163. The shear strength in plastic undrained clay, is due to

164. The Terzaghi's general bearing capacity equation for a continuous footing is given by (where Nc, 2V& and Ny are bearing capacity factors.)

165. A clay subjected to pressure in excess to its present over-burden, is said to be

166. The expression ρω is used for

167. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: The minister called ......... the records .?

168. The total active earth pressure due to dry back fill with no surcharge, acts at H/3 above the base of the wall and is directly proportional to

169. The most intelligent animal is?

170. A saturated soil sample has water content of 40% and specific gravity of soil particles 2.7. The void ratio of the soil, is

171. For testing a saturated clay for shear strength, the test recommended, is

172. The critical exist gradient of seepage water in soils, increases with

173. The President of India can contest for?

174. The shear strength of a soil

175. The property of a soil which permits water to percolate through it, is called

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