civil-engineering-soil-mechanics-and-foundation-engineering Related Question Answers

201. The intensity of active earth pressure at a depth of 10 metres in dry cohesionless sand with an angle of internal friction of 30° and with a weight of 1.8 t/m3, is

202. On wetting, cohesive soils,

203. 'Talus' is the soil transported by

204. A triaxial shear test is prefered to direct shear test, because

205. Chemical weathering of soil is caused due to

206. The Mohr's straight theory is based on the following fact :

207. Hydrometer readings are corrected for:

208. Tergazhi's theory of one dimensional consolidation assumes

209. An unsaturated 100 cm3 sample of soil weighs 190 g. If its dried weight is 160 g, water content of the soil, is

210. If the natural moisture content, the liquid limit and plastic limit of a soil sample are stated as 30.5%, 42.5% and 22.5% respectively, the ratio of liquidity index and plastic index, is

211. The specific gravity of Calcite is

212. The ratio of volume of air voids to the volume of total voids, is known as

213. A plane inclined at an angle φ to the horizontal at which the soil is expected to stay in the absence of any lateral support, is known as

214. A soil mass is said to be in plastic equilibrium if

215. A soil sample of mass specific gravity 1.92, has a moisture content 30%. If the specific gravity of solids is 2.75, the void ratio, is

216. The ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids in a given mass of soil, is known

217. During seepage through a soil, direction of seepage is always

218. The slip at critical angle, is generally known

219. The property of a soil which allows it to be deformed rapidly without rupture, elastic rebound and also a volume change, is known

220. The heart is covered by a membrane called?

221. Pick up the cohesive soil from the following:

222. Pile foundations are generally preferred to for

223. The angle of internal friction of clays, is usually

224. Beauty and Revolution is a famous book written by?

225. The specific yield of soil depends upon

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