civil-engineering-tunnelling Related Question Answers

26. In the wooded bulk-head, used for mucking in steep grade tunnels,

27. Railway tunnels, are generally

28. Pick up the explosive used for tunnelling in soft rocks from the following :

29. The cut of a tunnel face is shown in given figure. This is called

30. For B.G. single track, the section of the tunnel must have a width

31. Which one of the following methods is generally adopted for tunnelling in firm ground

32. An overhead track on a large truss frame is required in case of car changer by

33. In the given figure drill holes, heading, mucking and benching are mumbered as 1, 2, 3, 4 The correct sequence is :

34. The length of the needle beam used in needle beam method of tunnelling is usually

35. High pressure grouting is generally restored for concreting in the lining if the rock strata is:

36. For hauling muck from the tunnel, the following type of muck-car is used :

37. Which one of the following methods is adopted for permanent drainage of tunnels :

38. Which one of the following statements is not correct for heading and benching method of tunnelling ?

39. The difference of heights of the tunnels above rail tops of BG and MG tracks is kept

40. In case of drift method of tunnelling, the drift may be excavated at

41. A tunnel is found more advantageous as compared to the alternate routes because it:

42. For B.G. single track railway, the height of the tunnel above top of rails should be

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