civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

726. A three-hinged symmetric parabolic arch is hinged at the springing and at the crown. The span and rise are 40 m and 10 m respectively. The left half of the arch is loaded with U.D.L. of 3 t/m. The horizontal thrust at the springings will be

727. At a hydraulic jump, the depths at the two sides are 0.4 m and 1.4 m. The head loss in the jump is nearly

728. A 12 kg mass rests on a surface for which the coefficient of friction is μ= 0.15. What is the smallest force that can give the mass acceleration of 3 m/s2 ? (Take g = 10 m/s2).

729. Which one of the following expresses the degree of disturbance of undisturbed clay sample due to remoulding ?

730. For strengthening a 50 m long and 5 m high straight compound wall built in brick work, which one of the following would be most suitable ?

731. Why are tie plates provided is laced columns ?

732. Which of the following treatments reduce salinity of water ? 1. Flocculation and sedimentation 2. Filtration 3. Reverse osomasis 4. Electrodialysis Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

733. A deposit of fine sand has a porosity 'n' and specific gravity of soil solids is G. The hydraulic gradient of the deposit to develop boiling condition of sand is given by

734. A vertical photograph of a chimney was taken from an elevation of 500 m above M.S.L, The elevation of the base of the chimney was 250 m. If the relief displacement of the chimney was 51.4 mm and the radial distance of the image of the top of the chimney was 110 mm, the height of the chimney is

735. Which of the following elements is not essential for plant growth?

736. A simply supported beam is subjected to an eccentric concentrated load. Where does the maximum deflection of the beam due to the applied load occur ?

737. Which of the following factors are taken into account for estimating the runway length required for aircraft landing 1. Normal maximum temperature. 2. Air port elevation. 3. Maximum lending weight. 4. Effective runway gradient. Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

738. Two geometrically similar pumps are running at the same speed of 1000 r.p.m. and lifting water against the heads of 25 m and 16 m respectively. First pump is having an impeller diameter of 300 mm. The impeller diameter of second pump shall be

739. Which day is observed as the World Health Day every year?

740. Consider the following field tests : 1. Vertical pile load test 2. Cyclic pile load test 3. Lateral pile load test 4. Instrumented test pile While estimating the load carrying capacity of a pile, the tests that can be used for separating the skin resistance from point resistance, would include

741. Consider the following statements : In water supply distribution network, 1. the grid-iron system requires more length of pipe lines and larger number of cut-off valves. 2. the design of the grid-iron system is difficult but economical. 3. employing a grid-iron system, the dead ends are completely eliminated. 4. employing a grid-iron system permits more water to be diverted towards the affected point from various directions. Which of the statements given above are correct ?

742. The entry of foul smelling gases into the house coming from the sewers can be prevented by

743. In the alignment of an irrigation channel wherefrom offtakes have to be provided at regular intervals, changes in the given channel parameters are made use of. The correct sequence of the decreasing order of preference of these parameters is

744. Water is to be pumped at the rate of 0.025 m3/s from a 4 m deep ground level tank to an overhead tank. The difference in levels of the full tank levels of these tanks is 16 m. What is the approximate power required for operating a 65% efficient centrifugal pump ?

745. If in a concrete mix the fineness modulus of coarse aggregate is 7.6, the fineness modulus of fine aggregate is 2.8 and the economical value of the fineness modulus of combined aggregate is 6.4, then the proportion of fine aggregate is

746. A rectangular footing 1 m x 2 m is placed at a depth of 2 m in a saturated clay having an unconfined compressive strength of 100 kN/m2. According to Skempton, the net ultimate bearing capacity is

747. A floating body is in stable equilibrium

748. For three-dimensional movement of a weight, which one of the following is most suitable ?

749. The following data pertain to a sewage sample : Initial D.O = 10 mg/l Final D.O. = 10 mg/1 Dilution to 1% The BOD of the given sewage sample is

750. In a simply supported beam of span 'l', each end is restrained against torsion, compression flange being unrestrained. According to IS : 800, the effective length of the compression flange will be equal to

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