civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

751. Which one of the following is the correct statement ? Penetration to know bitumen grade is measured in

752. Which one of these methods of Tunnel Construction is not suitable in rocks ?

753. Consider the following statements regarding uniform flow in an open channel : 1. Energy grade line, water surface and bed slope are parallel to each other. 2. Froude number does not vary from section to section. 3. Velocity of water is the same at all points of the cross-section. Of these statements :

754. For the continuous beam (EI constant) loaded as shown in the figure given, the moment at 'B' is

755. The representative fraction means that the scale is 1 cm equal to

756. The correct sequence of processes in a water treatment plant for rural water supply is

757. The ......... of the lion is loud and fearsome.?

758. A simply supported beam of span L carries a concentrated load W at its mid-span. If the width 'b' of the beam is constant throughout the span, then, when the permissible bending stress is 'f', the beam's mid-span depth will be

759. Consider the following statements : 1. A recovery ratio of less than 1 implies that the soil has compressed. 2. A recovery ratio greater than 1 implies that the soil has swelled. 3. A recovery ratio of less than 1 implies that the soil has swelled. 4. A recovery ratio greater than 1 implies that the soil has compressed. Which of the following statements given above is/are correct ?

760. The force in the member 'AB' of the truss shown in the given figure is

761. What are the distribution factors at joint B for the members BA and BC respectively, in the figure at side ?

762. If the gradient of a ground is -3%, that of another ground intersecting with the former is 5%, and the horizontal length of the vertical curve to be drawn is 600 m, then the vertical offset 'e' from the vertex of the vertical curve to the mid-point of the curve will be

763. Why is super plasticizer added to concrete? 1. To reduce the quantity of mixing water. 2. To increase the consistency. 3. To reduce the quantity of cement. 4. To increase resistance to freezing and thawing. Select the correct answer using the code given below :

764. In an aerial photo, the image of the top of a tower is found to be 10 cm from the centre of thephotograph. If the height of the tower is 100 m and the flying height of the aircraft is 1000 m above the average terrain height, then the height displacement of the image from the true position will be

765. Which of the following are the requirements for the design of a transition curve for a highway system ? 1. Rate of change of grade 2. Rate of change of radial acceleration 3. Rate of change of super elevation 4. Rate of change of curvature Select the correct answer using the code given below :

766. The void-pressure diagram is shown above. What is the coefficient of compressibility ?

767. Which of the following plants bears seeds but no fruits?

768. He enquired ......... me about the results .?

769. When two roads with two-lane, two-way traffic, cross at an uncontrolled intersection, the total number of potentional major conflict points would be

770. If the load, warping and frictional stresses in a cement concrete slab are 210 N/mm2, 290 N/mm2 and 10 N/mm2 respectively, the critical combination of stresses during summer midday is

771. From a circular plate of diameter D, whose centre is C, another circular plate of diameter AC is cut, removed and kept over CB (in the given figure). The thickness of the plate is uniform. The shift of the centroid due to this operation will be

772. Consider the following statements : 1. Infiltration galleries are placed along the river beds at a depth of 4 to 6 m. 2. The draw-down for the infiltration galleries is more than that for radial wells. 3. Clogging of pipe pores in inflitration galleries is less than that for radial wells. 4. The cost of extracting unit volume of water is more in case of infiltration galleries as compared to radial wells. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

773. What is the actual ground area covered by a 20 cm x 20 cm size vertical aerial photograph, at an average scale of 1 cm = 200 m having 60% forward overlap and 30% side overlap ?

774. Non-collodial liguids are :

775. Consider the following statements with respect to tunnelling methods: 1. Full face excavation is suitable for small size tunnel of short length in compact rock. It is not suitable in urban areas. 2. Heading and Benching method is suitable for soft rock tunnelling of medium size. 3. Drift method is suitable for large tunnels in difficult or incompetent rock. Which of the statements given above are correct ?

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