civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

826. Life span of RBC is?

827. A timber beam of rectangular section 100 mm x 50 mm is simply supported at the ends, has a 30 mm x 10 mm steel strip securely fixed to the top surface as shown in the given figure. The centroid of the "Equivalent timber beam" in this case from the tope surface

828. What is eutrophication of lakes primarily due to ?

829. The Interim Government formed by INC in September 1946 was headed by?

830. Which one of the following can be a set of velocity components of a two-dimensional flow ?

831. When is a soil mass said to have entered the solid phase ?

832. Fluorine is present in?

833. Which among the following assumptions are made in the design roof trusses ? 1. Roof truss is restrained by the reactions 2. Axes of the members meeting at a joint intersect at a common point 3. Riveted joints act as frictionless hinges 4. Loads act normal to roof surface Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

834. A ladder AB of weight W and length l is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force P as shown in the figure given above. Assuming the ladder to be idealized as a homogeneous rigid bar and the surfaces to be smooth, which one of the following is correct ?

835. In the structure shown in the given figure, the fixed end moment at joint 'A' is

836. Wearing locations of rails and their reasons are listed below : 1. Wear at end of rails : Loose fish bolts 2. Wear at sides of rail head : Constant lerake application 3. Wear on the top of rail head on tangent truck : Rigidity of wheel base 4. Wear on top of rail head on curves : Lesser area of contact between wheel and rail Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched ?

837. The cleaning of slow sand filter is done by

838. In the plane truss shown above, how many numbers have zero force?

839. In a laminar boundary layer, the velocity distribution can be assumed to be given, in usual notations, as Which one of the following is the correct expression for the displacement thickness δ for this boundary layer ?

840. In a plate load test, how is the ultimate load estimated from the load settlement curve on a log-log graph ?

841. The standard Proctor compaction curve of a clay is depicted in the above figure. Points A, B and C correspond to three compaction states of the soil, which fall on this curve. For which point(s) is the coefficient of permeability minimum ?

842. In which one of the following grades of a highway is an emergency escape ramp provided ?

843. Ratio of the width of the car parking area required at kerb for 30° parking relative to 60° parking is approximately

844. An equipment is purchased for Rs. 40, 000.00 and is fully depreciated by straight line method over 8 years. Considering interest on average annual cost at 15% p.a., the charge on the Company due to use of this equipment, if made uniformly over the 8 years, is

845. Who wrote Vedanta Saram?

846. The most important purpose of frog in a brick is to :

847. Gross flange area for a riveted plate girder is to be designed considering net area as 80% of its gross area. Consider width of the flange as 500 mm while web plate as 1000 mm x 12 mm. The girder is to resist a maxi-mum BM of 4500 kNm. Maximum allowable bending stress in tension is 150 MPa. Gross flange area is

848. Uniformity coefficient of filter sand is given by :

849. For the compound bar shown in the below figure, the ratio of stresses in the portions AB : BC : CD will be

850. Compression index of a soil helps to determine

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