civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

901. Which country’s Parliament is know as Duma?

902. The elements that are normally subjected to combined bending and axial forces are

903. A uniform simply supported beam is subjected to a clockwise moment at the left end. What is the moment required at the right end so that rotation of the right end is zero ?

904. A cylindrical bar of 20 mm diameter and 1 m length is subjected to a tensile test. Its longitudinal strain is 4 times that of its lateral strain. If the modulus of elasticity is 2 x 105 N/mm2, then its modulus of rigidity will be

905. Clapeyron's theorem is applied to

906. A fill having a volume of 150, 000 cm is to be constructed at a void ratio of 0.8. The borrow pit soil has a void ratio of 1.4. The volume of soil required (in cubic metres) to be excavated from the borrow pit will be

907. The Gandhara School of Arts primarily deals with:?

908. The resultant of the coplanar, concurrent system of forces F1, F2, F3 and F4 shown in the above figure is

909. During seepage through an earth mass, the direction of seepage is

910. Consider the following statements : The effect of sea water on hardened concrete is to 1. increase its strength 2. reduce its strength 3. retard setting 4. decrease its durability. Of these statements :

911. Maharashtra co-operative act was passed in the year?

912. By what percentage is length of a runway increased for every 300 m rise above M.S.L. ?

913. The percentage of time in a year during which the cross wind component remains within the limit, is :

914. Consider the following statements : A concrete mixer is specified by the : 1. volume of the mixing drum. 2. horse power of the prime mover. 3. volume of mixed concrete discharged. 4. mixer drum speed. 5. feeding arrangement. Of these statements :

915. Choose the correct statement about horizontal component of resultant hydrostatic pressure on a curved submerged surface :

916. Who was the last Mughal emperor of India?

917. ‘The Third Window’ is a term associated with.........?

918. A simply supported beam of span 'L' and uniform flexural rigidly EI, carries a central load 'W' and total uniformly distributed load 'W' throughout the span. The maximum deflection is given by

919. In the design of storm sewers, time of concentration relevant of determine the

920. Which one of the following organisations, functions as an apex institution for the agencies engaged in the economic development of SC's and ST's?

921. The first malayalee who got Padmavibhushan?

922. As the elevation increases, the runways length has to be changed at what rate ?

923. Which one of the following statements is correct ? In a plane truss, influence line values

924. In a 4 m wide rectangular channel with 0.8 m depth of flow, a sharp-crested weir of 2.5 m length with its sill 0.3 m above the channel bed is fixed symmetrically across the width of the channel. Taking the flow to be free but with end contractions, what would be the discharge neglecting approach velocity effect? (Take Cd = 0.625)

925. A structural member carrying a pull of 700 kN is connected to a gusset plate using rivets. If the pulls required to shear the rivet, to crush the rivet and to tear the plate per pitch length are respectively 60 kN, 35 kN and 70 kN, then the number of rivets required will be

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