civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

951. A fixed beam and a simply supported beam having same span and develop same maximum bending moment due to uniformly distributed load on entire span. What is the ratio of uniformly distributed load on fixed beam to that on simply supported beam ?

952. Which one of the following method is employed to manufacture pre-stressed concrete sleepers for the railways ?

953. What is the BOD5 at 20°C of a waste that yields an oxygen consumption of 2 mg/l from a 0.5% diluted sample ?

954. The given figure shows roughly, the daily mass curves of supply to and demand from an elevated service reservoir (ESR). The minimum required capacity of the reservoir is given by

955. Stresses obtained from Boussinesq's theory are considered reasonably satisfactory in foundation engineering because:

956. A septic tank of 7 m3 in volume serves for 5 people. If the rate of accumulation of sludge is 70 litres per capita per year and sludge is removed when it occupies 50% of its volume, what is the cleaning interval of septic tank ?

957. The load carrying capacity of an individual friction pile is 200 kN. What is the total load carrying capacity of a group of 9 such piles with group efficiency factor of 0.8 ?

958. In which one of the following zones is a logarithmic spiral shape of failure surface assumed in the case of bearing capacity analysis of C-φ soils ?

959. The optimum number of revolutions over which concrete is required to be mixed in a mixer machine, is

960. A model of a weir made to a horizontal scale of 1/40 and vertical scale of 1/9 discharges 1 litre/sec. Then the discharge in the prototype is estimated as

961. Which one of the following statements is the correct description of the structure of fibre board ?

962. What is the normal depth in a wide rectangular channel carrying 0.5 m3/s discharge at a bed slope of 0.0004 and Manning's n = 0.01 ?

963. The best design of an arch dam is when

964. Which one of the following is the appropriate field test for estimating the angle of shearing resistance φ of a sand deposit ?

965. In setting out a long straight line for the position of transmission towers, it is recommended that the forward point be set out with face-right and face-lett with reference to preceding point and the mean position taken. This field procedure eliminates instruments error where the

966. The prisoner was condemned ......... death .?

967. Which one of following is not correct for container ports ?

968. Which of the following land tenure systems was introduced by Lord Cornwallis?

969. Kautilya the author of ‘Arthasasthra’ was a contemporary of .........?

970. There are ten instrument staions occupied in succession during a traverse survey. An observer makes equal error in each station, the magnitude of which is δ θ in each instance at all the stations. What is the probable error of the final bearing at the end of the traverse ?

971. At a certain station, the mean of the average temperature is 25°C and mean of the maximum daily temperature is 40°C. What is the airport reference temperature (ART) ?

972. The area between the two isohytes 45 cm and 55 cm is 100 km2, and that between 55 cm and 65 cm is 150 km2. What is the average depth of annual precipitation over the basin of 250 km2 ?

973. In a design of storm sewers, if the time taken by rain-water to flow from the farthest point of the watershed to the sewer inlet is 'ti' and the time of flow of water from the sewer inlet to the point in the sewer that is under consideration is 'tf', then the time of concentration will be

974. End A of the beam AB shown in the figure is on rollers and end B is hinged. C and D are the points on normals drawn at A and B to the beam at A and B respectively. To determine for reactions, funicular polygon must start at

975. Which one of the following statements is correct ? Cant deficiency is the difference between

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