civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

976. Consider the following statements related to interchanges: 1. In diamond interchange there is the possibility of illegal wrong-way turns. 2. Diamond interchange is far superior to cloverleaf design. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

977. The frame shown is redundant to

978. Two pipe systems in series are said to be equivalent when

979. A summit curve is formed at the intersection of a 3% upgrade and a 5% downgrade. What is the length of the summit curve in order to provide a stopping distance of 128 m ?

980. Two spheres of mass 15 kg and 20 kg, move along a straight line in the same direction with velocities of 20 m/s and 5 m/s, respectively. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.7, then the velocity of the 15 kg mass after collision will be

981. What is the effective net width of plate shown in the given sketch, for carrying tension ?

982. In a project, the contractor is paid on the basis of the running bill for a month. The rate contract for concreting is Rs. 1000/m3 of concrete. The consumption of number of cement of bags of weight 50 kg is 527. The mix proportion for the concrete is 1: 1.4 : 2.75 with W/C ratio of 0.52. The approximate billing amount of the month will be

983. Sodium metal is kept under?

984. A hollow cylinder made of wood (sp. gr. = 0.8) has an external diameter of 1.0 m and an interal diameter of 0.6 m. It floats in water with its axis vertical and is in stable equilibrium. This is possible only when the length of the cylinder is equal to or less than

985. In a fillet weld the weakest section is the

986. A beam ABC is simply-supported at A and B with an overhang BC as shown in the given figure. It carries loads as shown in the figure. If both the reactions are equal then W will be equal to

987. Which one of the following is the correct statement ? Smaller size of aggregates in a concrete mix :

988. If Δ p is increment ofpressure on a normally consolidated saturated soil mass, as per Terzaghi's theory at the instant of application of pressure increment i.e. when time t = 0, what is the pore pressure developed in the soil mass ?

989. A normally consolidated clay layer settles by 25 mm when the effective stress is increased from 15 kPa to 30 kPa. If the effective stress is later increased further from 30 kPa to 60 kPa, then the additional settlement would be

990. Assuming the safe stopping sight distance to be 80 m on a flat highway section and with a setback distance of 10 m, what would be the radius of the negotiable horizontal curve ?

991. What is the time by which the completion of an activity can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, called ?

992. Which one of the following is the angular distance between the observer's meridian and the vertical circle passing through a star measured along the celestial horizon ?

993. Consider the following statements regarding the phenomenon of bulking of sand : 1. It is due to film of water around sand particles. 2. It is due to capillary action. 3. It is more in finer sands. Which of the following statements given above is/are correct ?

994. The magnitude of acceleration is given by the

995. A 100 m tape is held 1 m out of line. The true length is

996. Which one of the following types of settling phenomenon can be analysed by the classic sedimentation laws of Newton and Stokes ?

997. Window sills in residential houses are normally kept at

998. Lime stabilisation method is particularly suitably and has been found successful in stabilising

999. The optimistic, most likely and pessimistic time estimates of an activity are 5, 10 and 21 days respectively. What are the expected time and standard deviation ?

1000. What is the minimum number of longitudinal bars provided in a reinforced concrete column of circular cross section?

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