civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

1001. The odour of drying paint or varnish is derived from which of the following chemical compounds?

1002. D'Alembert's principle

1003. For sampling saturated sands and other soft and wet soils satisfactorily, the most suitable soil sampler is

1004. A 30 cm diameter friction pile is embedded 10 m into a homogeneous consolidated deposit. Unit adhesion developed between clay and pile shaft is 4 t/m2 and adhesion factor is 0.7. The safe load for factor of safety 2.5 will be

1005. Consider the following statements : 1. Point of contraflexure is the point where the bending moment is maximum. 2. Point of cantraflexure is the point where the bending moment changes sign. 3. Point of contraflexure is the point where the shear force is zero. Which of these statements is/are correct ?

1006. What is the significant purpose of monitoring a project through its implementation phase ?

1007. The yield of a well depends upon

1008. 'The boy was crying. Someone had beaten him' (use 'as if')?

1009. Consider the following statements relating to compressible flow : 1. In a contracting conduit, sonic velocity is reached in the minimum cross-sectional area. 2. In a contracting conduit, supersonic velocities are reached only in the expanding section downstream from the minimum section. 3. An expansion shockwave is physically possible and can be exhibited. 4. In the Laval nozzle it is possible to obtain a velocity greater than the velocity of sound in the expanding section of nozzle. Of these statements :

1010. Consider the following factors : 1. Elevation 2. Temperature 3. Gradient 4. Trip length. For finding the runway length, which of these are taken into reckoning ?

1011. Which one of the following is the reaction of the cantilever at B as shown in the figure ?

1012. If a road surface is adequately superelevated on horizontal curve, which one of the following is the proper distribution of pressure on the vehicle wheels ?

1013. The role of superplasticizer in a cement paste is to

1014. For stability analysis of slopes of purely cohesive soils, the critical centre is taken to lie at the intersection of

1015. A prismatic bar of uniform cross-sectional area of 5 cm2 is subjected to axial loads as shown in the given figure. Portion BC is subjected to an axial stress of

1016. Which one of the following methods would give accurate results in determining the direction of the observer's meridian ?

1017. In a truss work as shown in the figure given above, what is the force induced in the member DE ?

1018. The process by which a mass of saturated soil is caused by external forces to suddenly lose its shear strength and to behave as a fluid is called

1019. In steady laminar flow of a liquid through a circular pipe of internal diameter D, carrying a constant discharge, the hydraulic gradient is inversely proportional to

1020. A pipe line, 2000 m long, carries water. Velocity of propagation of pressure wave is 1000 m/s. If the valve at the low stream end is instantaneously closed at time, t = 0, negative water hammer pressure at the valve will last for

1021. Consider the following statements related to triaxial test : 1. Failure occurs along pre-determined plane. 2. Intermediate and minor principal stresses are equal. 3. Volume changes can be measured. 4. Field conditions can be simulated. Of these statements :

1022. What is the magnitude of the force in the member BD in the figure given above ?

1023. Consider the following statements : Cement concrete is a/an : 1. Elastic material. 2. Visco-elastic material. 3. Visco-plastic material. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

1024. Water present in an artesian aquifer is usually

1025. What is the shape of influence line diagram for the maximum bending moment in respect of a simply supported beam ?

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