current-affairs-2017-02-08 Related Question Answers

1. Which country is host to the first-ever BIMSTEC National Security Chiefs (NSA) meet to discuss counter terror action plan?

2. What is the current repo rate as per latest 6th bi-monthly monetary policy for the FY 2016-17?

3. Which committee has been constituted by the Haryana Government to resolve the problem of those agitating for reservation and other issues of the state?

4. Astronomers have discovered a mysterious new star 380 light-years from the earth. What is the star called?

5. Who is the author of the book "Band, Bajaa, Boys!"?

6. What is the theme of the 2017 Maritime Power Conference that will be held in New Delhi?

7. Which country to host the 4th Rollball World Cup-2017?

8. The Indian Railway Ministry is set to approve a new ambitious railway project. The link will be the first-ever rail route in which Union Territory?

9. Name the airline that recently launched the world's longest scheduled commercial flight?

10. Who has become the acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Public broadcaster Prasar Bharti?

11. The Safe Internet Day was celebrated on

12. The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation is observed on which date?

13. Which Indian diplomat has been appointed as the member of the United Nations (UN)' Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)?

14. Which country is hosting the 3-day Implementation and Assessment Group meeting of the GICNT partner countries?

15. Pathani Patnaik, who passed away recently, was the renowned litterateur from which state?

16. The men's singles title in the 81st Senior National Badminton Championships was won by

17. The IAAF extended the suspension on this country from international competition for indulging in state-sponsored doping.

18. The women's singles title in the 81st Senior National Badminton Championships was won by

19. Which Indian-origin British sculptor has won the 2017 Genesis Prize?

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