digital-electronics-number-systems-and-codes Related Question Answers

101. A byte has 8 bits.

102. A binary number can be converted to a decimal number by summing the decimal values of the weights of all the 1s in the binary number.

103. Binary-coded-decimal numbers use only binary numbers between 0000 and 1001.

104. A good example of the use of a digital representation of an analog quantity is the audio recording of music.

105. Each position in a decimal multidigit number will have a weighting factor based on a power of only 10.

106. The BCD equivalent of 73 is 01001001.

107. Digital systems operate only on discrete digits that represent numbers, letters, or symbols.

108. The octal number system consists of eight digits, 0 through 7.

109. The Gray code has a base of eight.

110. The hexadecimal equivalent of a decimal number would produce a larger number than the original decimal number.

111. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

112. When converting from decimal to binary by the repeated division-by-two method, the initial remainder becomes the MSD.

113. 3C1D16 = 111100000111012

114. Zeros may be added to the left of the MSB to produce even groups of 4 bits when converting from binary to hexadecimal.

115. Digital electronics must use a numbering system that has more than ten digits.

116. A debugging utility is used to take the "bugs" out of a program.

117. The primary advantage of the hexadecimal numbering system is the ease in conversion between the binary and hexadecimal systems.

118. In odd parity, 100011010 would pass the parity check.

119. The primary advantage of the hexadecimal number system is the ease with which conversion can be made between binary and hexadecimal numbers.

120. A binary code decimal representation of a binary number will always have more bits than the binary number.

121. The decimal number system consists of the digits 0–10.

122. 1210 = 11012 = C16 = 00010010 BCD

123. Hexadecimal is used to encode BCD numbers.

124. A method of converting decimal to binary is by successive division.

125. A string of 64 bits has 9 bytes.

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