digital-electronics-number-systems-and-codes Related Question Answers

176. In the decimal number 481, the powers-of-10 weight of the digit 4 is ________.

177. Decimal 2875 is ________ bytes in binary.

178. Even-parity 01101000 binary is ________in hexadecimal.

179. The column weight of the "1" in the hexadecimal number 1AB is ________.

180. In binary, the decimal number 93 converts to ________ digits.

181. The 2's complement of the binary number 1000 is ________.

182. Hexadecimal 44 is ________ in decimal.

183. Convert hexadecimal value 16 to decimal.

184. Convert the following decimal number to 8-bit binary. 187

185. Convert binary 111111110010 to hexadecimal.

186. Convert the following binary number to decimal. 010112

187. Convert the binary number 1001.00102 to decimal.

188. Decode the following ASCII message. 10100111010100101010110001001011001 01000001001000100000110100101000100

189. The voltages in digital electronics are continuously variable.

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