electrical-engineering-circuit-theorems-and-conversions Related Question Answers

26. You cannot convert a voltage source to an equivalent current source, or vice versa.

27. An ideal current source has zero internal resistance.

28. The Thevenin equivalent voltage (VTH) is the short-circuit voltage between two terminals in a circuit.

29. Transistors act basically as voltage sources.

30. Conversions between delta-type and wye-type circuit arrangements are useful in certain specialized applications.

31. Find the Thevenin equivalent (VTH and RTH) between terminals A and B of the circuit given below.

32. A certain current source has the values IS = 4 µA and RS = 1.2 M. The values for an equivalent voltage source are

33. Find the total current through R3 in the given circuit.

34. A 680 load resistor, RL, is connected across a constant current source of 1.2 A. The internal source resistance, RS, is 12 k. The load current, RL, is

35. Find the current through R2 of the given circuit.

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