electrical-engineering-circuit-theorems-and-conversions Related Question Answers

1. Determine IN for the circuit consisting of VS, R1, R2, and R3 shown in the given circuit.

2. A 120 V voltage source has a source resistance, RS, of 60 . The equivalent current source is

3. A 12 V source has an internal resistance of 90 . If a load resistance of 20 is connected to the voltage source, the load power, PL, is

4. In a two-source circuit, one source acting alone produces 12 mA through a given branch. The other source acting alone produces 10 mA in the opposite direction through the same branch. The actual current through the branch is

5. Find the current through R1 in the given circuit.

6. What is the Thevenin equivalent (VTH and RTH) for the circuit given?

7. Referring to the given circuit, the voltage and current for the load resistor, RL, is

8. Find the current in R2 of the given circuit, using the superposition theorem.

9. A 470 RL is connected across a voltage source, VS, of 120 V. The source's internal resistance, RS, is 12 . What is the output voltage across the load?

10. A 2 RL is connected across a voltage source, VS, of 110 V. The source's internal resistance is 24 . What is the output voltage across the load?

11. An 18 V source has an internal resistance of 70 . If a load resistance of 33 is connected to the voltage source, the load power, PL, is

12. A certain voltage source has the values VS = 30 V and RS = 6 . The values for an equivalent current source are

13. A 120 load is connected across an ideal voltage source with VS = 12 V. The voltage across the load

14. Find the Norton circuit, that is, IIN and RN, for the circuit given below.

15. A 120 load is connected across a voltage source with VS = 12 V and RS = 8 . The voltage across the load is

16. Find RN for the circuit given.

17. Referring to circuit given, if R1 is changed to a 68 resistor, what will be the current through it?

18. Find the Thevenin equivalent (VTH and RTH) between terminals A and B of the circuit given.

19. Referring to the given circuit, determine VTH and RTH if a 68 resistor is connected in parallel across R2 and R3.

20. A 12 mA current source has an internal resistance, RS, of 1.2 k. The equivalent voltage source is

21. Some circuits require more than one voltage or current source.

22. An ideal voltage source has zero internal resistance.

23. A practical current source has a finite internal resistance.

24. Norton's equivalent current (IN) is an open-circuit current between two points in a circuit.

25. A practical voltage source has a nonzero internal resistance.

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