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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1291
64551. Who is the author of “Freedom at Midnight”?
Answer: Lapierre and Larry Collins Dominique
64552. Which was the first Axis Power to surrender in the First World War?
Answer: Italy
64553. Lao-Tse was the founder of the most important religion of China known as?
Answer: Taoism
64554. Who is the author of “ Agnikinavukal”?
Answer: Punathil KunjabdulJah
64555. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in ?
Answer: 1889
64556. Land of Sunrise?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
64557. Who is the author of “Coolies”?
Answer: Mulk Raj Anand
64558. Who is the author of “Moby Dick”?
Answer: Herman Melville
64559. Who is the author of “All’s Well that Ends Well”?
Answer: William Shakespeare
64560. Who is the author of The Importance of Being Earnest?
Answer: Oscar Wilde
64561. Who is the author of Child who never Grew ?
Answer: Pearl S Buck
64562. Who is the author of “Fasana-i-Azad”?
Answer: Ratan Nath Sarshar
64563. Who is the inventor of Yellow fever; cause of?
Answer: Reed
64564. HDI was introduced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its first Human Development Report prepared under the able; stewardship of ?
Answer: Mahbub-ul-Haq
64565. HTTP stands for?
Answer: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
64566. Name the author of' Aenid'; a famous Roman poet?
Answer: Vergil
64567. Which was the first Malayalam TV Channel in Private Sector?
Answer: Asianet {Asianet malayalam satellite channel began in 1992}
64568. Name the only artery carrying impure blood?
Answer: Pulmonary artery
64569. The civilisation that existed in Greece; before the Greeks was known as ?
Answer: Aegean Civilization
64570. The country which adopted gold standard first was?
Answer: United Kingdom
64571. Who is the author of “Amavasi”?
Answer: Balachandran Chullikkadu
64572. Fastest animal in the world is ?
Answer: Chettah
64573. Highest Straight?
Answer: Bhakra Nangal on river Sutlej
64574. Who is the author of “Prithvi Raj Raso”?
Answer: Chand Bardai
64575. Who is the author of “Stolen Harvest”?
Answer: Vandana Siva
64576. Who is the author of “ Nadi “?
Answer: P. Kesava Dev
64577. Who is the author of India We Left?
Answer: The Humphrey Travelyan
64578. Who is the author of “Nectar in a Sieve”?
Answer: Kamala Markandaya
64579. Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in ?
Answer: 1453
64580. Who is known as the father of America ?
Answer: George Washington
64581. Who is the author of “Raja tarangini”?
Answer: Kalhana
64582. Pineal gland that secretes the hormone melatonin and seratonin; is also known as ?
Answer: Biological Clock
64583. Who is known as the 'Frontier Gandhi'?
Answer: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
64584. Founder of Salvation Army?
Answer: William Booth
64585. Central Research Institute of Homoeopathy is located at?
Answer: Sachivothamapuram
64586. Who is the author of “ VeenaPoovu”?
Answer: Kumaranasan
64587. MRF World Cup is associated with?
Answer: Cricket & Boxing
64588. In India Year of Books was observed on?
Answer: 200I-02
64589. The hormone which helps in flowering of plants?
Answer: Florigen
64590. The government formed by Napolean in France was known as?
Answer: Consulate.
64591. The White Jews Synagogue at Mattancherri was built in?
Answer: 1567
64592. The Capital of Cuba?
Answer: Havana
64593. Who is the author of “Oruthulli Velicham”?
Answer: O.N.V Kurup
64594. India's first 3-D film was?
Answer: My Dear Kuttichathan (1984)
64595. Where is the most popular tourist destination The Auroville Beach?
Answer: Pondicherry
64596. World’s first census was conducted at ?
Answer: USA on 1790
64597. Who is the author of “Doll’s House”?
Answer: Ibsen
64598. Baghdad is on the bank of which River?
Answer: Tigris
64599. What is the total number of fast track courts functioning in Kerala?
Answer: 38
64600. Who is the author of “Kappirikalude Nattil”?
Answer: S K Pottekadu
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