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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1362
68101. Who is the author of “Airport”?
Answer: Arthur Halley
68102. Who is the author of “The Pathology of Corruption”?
Answer: S.S. Gill
68103. Where is the underground power station in Kerala located at?
Answer: Moolamattom beneath Nadukani hills
68104. The American war of independence was fought between the American colonies and ?
Answer: The Britain
68105. Who is the author of “ The wall of glass”?
Answer: K.A.Abbas
68106. Name the German Physician; who isolated Bacillus Anthracis in1877 is?
Answer: Robert Koch
68107. Who applied the cell theory to plants?
Answer: Schleiden
68108. Plato's original name was ?
Answer: Aristocles
68109. Who was the first woman Chancellor of Germany ?
Answer: Angela Merckel In 2005
68110. 'Muthanga' is the famous hill station in?
Answer: Wyanad district
68111. Wildlife Institute of India is located at?
Answer: Chandrasvani (Uttar Pradesh)
68112. The scientific name of Frog is?
Answer: Rana hexadactyla
68113. The Capital of Sweden?
Answer: Stockholm
68114. Who is the author of Crescent Moon?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
68115. The plant hormone that controls fruit ripening is?
Answer: Ethylene
68116. Who is the inventor of Anti-polio Vaccine?
Answer: Jonas E.Salk
68117. Pakshipathalam bird sanctury is located in?
Answer: Wayanad
68118. Who is the author of “ Dharmaraja and Rama Raja Bhadur “?
Answer: CV Raman Pillai
68119. Who is the inventor of Air Conditioning?
Answer: Carrier
68120. Kurnool is on the bank of which River?
Answer: Tungbhadra
68121. Who is the author of “Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?
Answer: Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
68122. Who is the author of “India in the New Millennium”?
Answer: P.E. Alexander
68123. First person in the world to land on the moon?
Answer: Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr of USA
68124. Who is the author of Alchemist ?
Answer: Paulo Caulo
68125. Who proposed the idea of uniting Cochin and Travancore?
Answer: Sri Kerala Varma; The Cochin Maharaja
68126. Employment: Aspects of Planning in Under developed Countries was written by ?
Answer: K.N.Raj
68127. Who is the author of “Gathering Storm”?
Answer: Winston Churchill
68128. Who is the inventor of Raman Effect?
Answer: C.V.Raman
68129. The Currency of Zaire?
Answer: Zaire
68130. Who is the author of lstanbal : Memoirs of a city?
Answer: Orhan Pamuk
68131. Who is the author of “Illiad”?
Answer: Homer
68132. Who is the author of “ Bandicoot Run “?
Answer: Manohar Malgonkar
68133. Which place is known as the Cultural Capital of Kasargode?
Answer: Neeleswaram.
68134. The official name of Israel is?
Answer: Medinat Israel
68135. Kerala High Court with its seat in Ernakulam was formed in?
Answer: 1-Nov-56
68136. Bryology is the study of ?
Answer: Mosses; liverworts; and hornworts
68137. Which place is known as the Second Mecca of football lovers?
Answer: Kozhikode
68138. The Capital of Canada?
Answer: Ottawa
68139. Online free encyclopedia - Wiki Pedia was introduced by?
Answer: Jimmi wales
68140. Who is the author of “Gift of Wings”?
Answer: Shanthi Gopala
68141. In which year Thrissur Radio station was started?
Answer: 1954
68142. Vaishnavite Saints were called?
Answer: Alwars.
68143. On which date Velu Tampi made the Kundara Proclamation?
Answer: On 11 January 1809 (I st Makaram 984)
68144. Who sad that"Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains"?
Answer: Rousseau
68145. Who is the author of Wings of Fire?
Answer: A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
68146. Who is the author of “Sorrow is Knowledge”?
Answer: Arabinda Ray
68147. General Theory of Employment; Interest and Money
Answer: J. M. Keynes
68148. Name the digestive enzyme that converts Carbohydrates to' Maltose is ?
Answer: Amylase (Pancreas)
68149. Sangeet Natak Academy is located at?
Answer: New Delhi.
68150. The Periyar wild life sanctuary was declared as a Tiger Reserve in?
Answer: 1978
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