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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1397
69851. World Economic Forum -WEF is a non-profit foundation with its headquarters at?
Answer: Geneva
69852. Fluid Control Research Institute is located at?
Answer: Kanjikode (Kerala).
69853. Who is the author of "An Autobiography”?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
69854. Which country ranks first in the Global Business Competitiveness Index?
Answer: Switzerland
69855. Who is the author of Living History?
Answer: Hillary Clinton
69856. Who is the author of Nicholas Nickelby ?
Answer: Charles Dickens
69857. Sand fever; an insect borne disease; is propagated by?
Answer: Sand fly
69858. Who is the author of One Hundred Years of Solitude ?
Answer: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
69859. Who is the author of Savitri ?
Answer: Aurobindo Ghosh
69860. Who is the author of “Sense and Sensibility”?
Answer: Jane Austen
69861. Indian Space Research Organisation is located at?
Answer: Bangalore (Karnataka)
69862. India's first live action animation hybrid film is?
Answer: Faaby (1993)
69863. Nitrogen is absorbed in form by plants.?
Answer: NO3
69864. Who is the inventor of Space Flying?
Answer: Wernher Von
69865. Who is the author of “Gods Little Soldier”?
Answer: Kiran Nagarkar
69866. Central Marine Research Institute is located in?
Answer: Chennai
69867. Sucrose is also called?
Answer: Cane sugar
69868. Who is the inventor of Telegraph?
Answer: William Cook
69869. Name the branch of science that deals with the study of skin and its diseases?
Answer: Dermatology
69870. Gateway of India?
Answer: Mumbai
69871. Who is the author of “Chidambra”?
Answer: Sumitranandan Pant
69872. Currency whose face value is higher than the internal value is called?
Answer: Token currency
69873. The structure of DNA was first-deduced by ?
Answer: J.D. Watson and F.H.Crick in 1953.
69874. Who is popularly known as the father of Kerala Circus?
Answer: Keeleri Kunhikannan
69875. Who is the author of Three Musketeers ?
Answer: Alexander Dumas
69876. Who is the author of Prem Pachisi ?
Answer: Munshi Prem Chand
69877. Sri Sankara University of Sanskrit, Kaladi, was founded in?
Answer: 1992
69878. National Defence College is located at?
Answer: New Delhi.
69879. The first American President to be assassinated was ?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln(1865)
69880. Who is the author of “Walls of Glass”?
Answer: K.A.Abbas
69881. Who is the author of “. Lady with the Lap Dog”?
Answer: Anton Chekhov
69882. The Capital of Tuvalu?
Answer: Funafuti
69883. Nehru University is located at?
Answer: New Delhi.
69884. Who is the author of Les Miserables ?
Answer: Victor Hugo
69885. Kabul is on the bank of which River?
Answer: Kabul
69886. Who shot dead John F. Kennedy?
Answer: Lee Harvey Oswald
69887. Father of Modem Embryology?
Answer: Ernst Von Baer
69888. Who is known as the Iron Man of Communism?
Answer: Stalin
69889. Who is the author of “Pingala”?
Answer: Uloor S Parameshwara Iyer
69890. Who is the author of “ Mayoora sandesham”?
Answer: Kerala Varma Valiyakoi Thampuran
69891. Who is the author of Letters from Robben Island ?
Answer: Ahmed Kathrada
69892. The Capital of Yemen (North)?
Answer: Sania
69893. Who is the author of “‘Crisis into Chaos’”?
Answer: E.M.S. Namboodiripad
69894. The scientific name of Tea is?
Answer: Camellia Sinensis
69895. National Botanical Garden (National Botanical Research Institute; NBRI) is situated in?
Answer: Lucknow.
69896. Lenin was the leader of which political party?
Answer: The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party
69897. Name the German Physician; who Tuberculosis bacillus in1882 is?
Answer: Robert Koch
69898. The hardest material found in human body is ?
Answer: Enamel
69899. Who is the author of Doctor Zhivago ?
Answer: Boris Pasternak
69900. The nitrogen base of RNA are ?
Answer: Adenine; Guanine; Uracil and Cytosine
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