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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1399
69951. Who is the author of Arabian Nights ?
Answer: Sir Richard Burton
69952. Who is the inventor of Lift (power elevator)?
Answer: Otis
69953. The largest district in Kerala is?
Answer: Palakkad
69954. Who is considered as the father of English Poetry?
Answer: Geofery Chaucer
69955. Who is the author of “Bandicoot Run”?
Answer: Manohar Malgonkar
69956. Who is the author of “Home and World”?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
69957. Who is the inventor of Stethoscope?
Answer: Rene Lainnec & William Stockes
69958. In Seven Years War(1756-1763) French were defeated by ?
Answer: The English
69959. Surya TV started their operations in?
Answer: 1998
69960. What is the total number of permanent judges in the High Court of Kerala?
Answer: 26 [including the Chief Justice and 9 Additional Judges]
69961. Who is the author of the famous book 'One Straw Revolution'?
Answer: Manasobu Fukuvoka
69962. Kerala Historical Museum is located at?
Answer: Edappalli
69963. Obaidullah Gold Cup is associated with?
Answer: Hockey
69964. UNIDO was established as an organ of the General assembly in?
Answer: 1966
69965. Who is the 'Father of Modem Genetics ?
Answer: Rev. Gregor Mendel
69966. Who is the author of “All Things Bright and Beautiful”?
Answer: Lewis Carroll
69967. Who is the author of “Mattuvin Chattangale”?
Answer: O.N.V Kurup
69968. The Idukki Arch Dam is constructed across the river?
Answer: Periyar
69969. Who is the author of Essays on Life ?
Answer: Samuel Butler
69970. Who is the author of “Pompei of the Great”?
Answer: John Masefield
69971. Who is the author of Eye of the Storm?
Answer: Patrick White
69972. The Capital of Iran?
Answer: Teheran
69973. First European invader on Indian soil?
Answer: Alexander the Great
69974. Who is the author of Freedom at Midnight?
Answer: Larry Collins & Dominique Lapiare (It is about India's freedom struggle written in 'the form of a novel)
69975. The people living in the parts of Kenya and Tanzania are called?
Answer: Swahilis
69976. Highest Peak (India)?
Answer: Godwin Austen
69977. Who is the author of Indian Summers?
Answer: John Wright
69978. The form of democracy existed in Greek was ?
Answer: Direct democracy
69979. First U.S.A. President to visit India?
Answer: D. Eisenhover
69980. Asia Oceanic is associated with?
Answer: Tennis
69981. Central Tobacco Research Station is located at?
Answer: Rajamundry (Andhra Pradesh).
69982. Who was the first triibal minister in Kerala government?
Answer: P. K. Jayalakshmi
69983. Who was the last ruling Raja of Travancore?
Answer: Sri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma
69984. Who was the editor of the "Swadesha bhimani"?
Answer: K. Ramakrishna PiIlai
69985. Which period is known as the Golden Age of Japan?
Answer: Meiji Age
69986. What was the aim of this begging march or ‘Yachana Yathra’ ?
Answer: To enable the poor children to get educated.
69987. Who is the author of “ The White Tiger “?
Answer: Arvind Adiga
69988. MPEG stands for?
Answer: Motion Picture Expert Group
69989. Who is the author of “Shalimar”?
Answer: Manohar Malgonkar
69990. Who is the creator of the famous character "N issar Ahammed;"?
Answer: Vaikom Muhammed Basheer
69991. Who said ‘Happiness is when what you think; what you say; and what you do are in harmony’?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
69992. Where was Chatampi Swamikal born in?
Answer: Kannammoola in Thiruvananthapuram district.
69993. Who is the creator of the famous characters "Cordelia; Desdemona; Hamlet;"?
Answer: Shakespeare
69994. Who is the inventor of Replacing human heart?
Answer: Christian Barnard
69995. Who is the inventor of Transistor?
Answer: W.Shockley & Bardeen
69996. Dustiest Planet?
Answer: Mars (Red Planet)
69997. 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' was launched to 2003 to expel Saddam Hussain from Iraq. This war is famously called?
Answer: Gulf War II
69998. The Currency of Germany (United)?
Answer: Deutsche Mark
69999. Who is the author of “Non - Violence in Peace and War”?
Answer: Gandhiji
70000. Asian Drama was written by ?
Answer: Gunner Myrdal
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